Author Topic: Markup tags don't work in my MessageVector?  (Read 1419 times)

I achieved some colors using \c# but no markup tags are working.

See here:

Code: [Select]
ArkMessageVector.pushBackLine("<color:FF0000>test", 0);

This is the Gui Object that manages that MessageVector:
Code: [Select]
new GuiMessageVectorCtrl(ArkChatText)
profile = "ArkMLChatProfile";
horizSizing = "right";
vertSizing = "bottom";
position = "1 0";
extent = "528 256";
minExtent = "544 128";
enabled = "1";
visible = "1";
clipToParent = "1";
lineSpacing = "0";
lineContinuedIndex = "0";
matchColor = "0 0 255 255";
maxColorIndex = "9";

Here is the profile the GuiMessageVectorCtrl is using:
Code: [Select]
new GuiControlProfile(ArkMLChatProfile)
tab = "0";
canKeyFocus = "0";
mouseOverSelected = "0";
modal = "1";
opaque = "0";
fillColor = "200 200 200 255";
fillColorHL = "200 200 200 255";
fillColorNA = "200 200 200 255";
border = "0";
borderThickness = "1";
borderColor = "0 0 0 255";
borderColorHL = "128 128 128 255";
borderColorNA = "64 64 64 255";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = "16";
fontColors[0] = "255 0 0 255";
fontColors[1] = "0 0 255 255";
fontColors[2] = "0 255 0 255";
fontColors[3] = "255 255 0 255";
fontColors[4] = "0 255 255 255";
fontColors[5] = "255 0 255 255";
fontColors[6] = "255 255 255 255";
fontColors[7] = "125 125 125 255";
fontColors[8] = "0 0 0 255";
fontColors[9] = "255 69 0 255";
fontColor = "0 0 0 255";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100 255";
fontColorNA = "0 0 0 255";
fontColorSEL = "200 200 200 255";
fontColorLink = "0 0 204 255";
fontColorLinkHL = "85 26 139 255";
doFontOutline = "1";
fontOutlineColor = "255 255 255 255";
justify = "left";
textOffset = "2 2";
autoSizeWidth = "0";
autoSizeHeight = "0";
returnTab = "0";
numbersOnly = "0";
cursorColor = "0 0 0 255";
bitmap = "~/client/ui/BlockWindow";

I don't understand what could be causing the markup tags to not work. Maybe MLText has them disabled or something?

new GuiMessageVectorCtrl(ArkChatText)

add this: allowColorChars = 1;

new GuiMessageVectorCtrl(ArkChatText)

add this: allowColorChars = 1;
didn't work D:

Needs to be a GuiMLTextCtrl to use <>s

MessageVectorCtrl probably doesn't support tags. I think that's why the default chat doesn't use it either.

Needs to be a GuiMLTextCtrl to use <>s

MessageVectorCtrl probably doesn't support tags. I think that's why the default chat doesn't use it either.

Ah, I see. I'll try to find a way around it somehow, thanks anyways

MessageVectorCtrl must support markup... Links are done in chat using TML.

MessageVectorCtrl must support markup... Links are done in chat using TML.
Chat uses GuiMLTextCtrl.