Author Topic: Theoretically how to do multiple animations at once?  (Read 911 times)

Okay, to make this simple I'm going to use the example of animating a playertype, if I have a walking animation and then separately a punching animation how do I make both animations work at the same if I want to punch whilst walking?

All .dsq animations on players and their respective nodes overlap.

When two animations are called on the same node, whichever is called last will be called.

Example: you can playthread jump and shiftbrickup at the same time, and they will be called independent of each other because they are on different nodes

Okay that's excellent. When exporting with milkshape (which I currently use to animate) I often have the sequences INSIDE the DTS file, meaning there are no DSQs but the sequences are specified and named inside the DTS file so they can be called upon in the script. Is this the same for that?

Animations that you want to play at the same time should use separate threads. You have 4 threads at your disposal, starting with 0.