Author Topic: My grandma just died  (Read 1742 times)

My condolences Op. :(
alot of bad things happening to the forum lately.

my grandmother died a few years ago
I still don't remember why she died
hope you feel better op

My last living great grandmother (and last great grandparent overall) had pneumonia last month. I've never even seen her before.

Very sorry to hear OP. My great grandma died a few days ago. We had here funeral today.

I'd like it if people on the forums didn't use the deaths of their relatives to seek attention.

I've had lots of relatives die during my time here, some of whom I've carried to their grave. I didn't post a thing. It's personal, It's none of your business, and most importantly these are human beings, not vehicles that I can use to drive my ego on an online forum.

That's not cool, OP.

I have a feeling this post will be a bit controversial, it could be a difference in culture, but I won't post in this thread anymore.

I'd like it if people on the forums didn't use the deaths of their relatives to seek attention.

I've had lots of relatives die during my time here, some of whom I've carried to their grave. I didn't post a thing. It's personal, It's none of your business, and most importantly these are human beings, not vehicles that I can use to drive my ego on an online forum.

That's not cool, OP.

I have a feeling this post will be a bit controversial, it could be a difference in culture, but I won't post in this thread anymore.
i wanted to post something similar to this but i was too much of a wimp to do so

I can see where you're getting at, but it's really not as disrespectful as you think. Besides, it's not like it gets them that much attention anyways if they were just doing it for that. Most people just say something along the lines of "my condolences" and move on.

Speaking of which OP, my condolences. I know how it feels to lose someone close.

People handle death in different ways. If he wants people to post showing that they care it happened, showing that people around him - even in an online forum care, then that's his business.

Should he rather say nothing, be depressed without anyone knowing why? I have friends on here and people I like talking to while not on steam. If I want to post an overall messages so they see, I will. Wouldn't it be disrespectful to make a copy paste "<person> has died" and just paste it to different people 20 times on steam?

My condolences, I lost my grandma in September.

Holy stuff
TWO brain tumors???

My condolences, holy stuff
I'm sorry man.