
What is your favorite feature included in version 3?

Infinite terrain
239 (11%)
Finite terrain
139 (6.4%)
Support for various brick sizes, terrain types, and ModTer sizes and types
171 (7.9%)
Color, Print, and Brick setup
144 (6.6%)
Landscape Additions (Mountains, Caves, Clouds, Floating Islands & Boundaries)
176 (8.1%)
Biomes, Details and Mass Detail Setup
164 (7.5%)
Chunk saving and loading options
130 (6%)
GUIs and Presets
156 (7.2%)
Advanced Options (such as manipulating noise scales)
140 (6.4%)
Routines Options (delays, toggling brick destruction, setting up permissions and ownership, etc.)
125 (5.8%)
Custom Bricks and Dynamic Cascading Streams
140 (6.4%)
Floating Brick Support
151 (6.9%)
Multiple User Support
137 (6.3%)
Build Loading and Flat Areas
161 (7.4%)

Total Members Voted: 325

Author Topic: Procedural Terrain Generator (Features Tutorial Added!)  (Read 90176 times)

When ever I genarate terrain it 

Edit sorry i ment when it finishes generating
What happens when if finishes generating?

What happens when if finishes generating?
It lags badly i even tho i  can run black ops 3 at leats at low  so i should be able to have bigger maps but i cant

It lags badly i even tho i  can run black ops 3 at leats at low  so i should be able to have bigger maps but i cant
yeah that's your graphics card's problem, blockland can get surprisingly intensive with a high amount of bricks especially if you have shadows on.

also how to get those smooth sort of ramps for terrain

also how to get those smooth sort of ramps for terrain
Terrain can be made more smooth and gradual by changing the noise scale values for terrain under Advanced options. Someone needed help with the same situation a few days ago:

A good way to look at terrain generation is to compare it to pixelating an image; the larger the pixel size, the less detail will be present in the image. To increase the detail with the pixel size, you would have to stretch out the image as well.

When using ModTer, even the 8x bricks, you would have to stretch out the terrain to add more detail, and to make hills appear smoother and more gradual. You can do this by increasing the XY-axis noise scales for terrain under Advanced settings.

For instance, instead of 256, 64 and 16 (shown in the image above), you could try changing it to like 512, 64 and 16, or 512, 128 and 32; you might need to play around with it to get it to generate how you want. Reducing the Z-axis values as well (right next to the XY-axis values shown above), might also work. Hope that helps!

How do you raise or turn off the chunk limit?

How do you raise or turn off the chunk limit?
You can raise the limit by adjusting the Server Chunk Object Limit slider, or disable it altogether by selecting the Disable Chunk Object Limit Buffer option; both shown below (under Routines settings):

thanks lol now i feel dumb
No problem =) There's a lot of stuff included, so it'll take awhile to get used to all of the different settings and options.

Only a few things left to finish in the upcoming 3.1 update! Here's everything planned to be included thus far:

- Greatly improved floating brick support
- Toggle option to also show the closest player's distance and relative direction to your player when using the /PTGPos command
- New /PTGLoadChunks command to directly load chunk saves, which works similar to a normal terrain generation routine (you can even choose to load either all saves, or to load just saves for static or non-static chunks) (also works with boundaries)
- Automatic saving of GUI settings to a recovery preset when disconnecting from a server or quitting the game (allows for easily recovering past settings encase you forget to save)
- Add an option to load builds and to generate flat areas relative to the area's median (in between the lowest and highest point)
- Change brick UI names to prevent conflicting with other brick packs
- Fix issues with bots, especially when using public ownership (also add an option to generate bot holes under host's brickgroup, even when public ownership is enabled)
- Add new option under routines settings to also add physical zones to plate stream bricks
- Adjust greater GUI setting upload security filter and prevent multiple words when uploading settings (to prevent issues with applying them to the server)
- Fix issue with saving / loading routine settings
- Prevent streams from generating if clearing chunks or when disconnecting / shutting down the server
- and many other improvements and fixes


In other news, that is probably one of the most evenly-split large polls I've ever seen on these forums and I love it.

I expected my game to crash when I started the load/it finished, but it didn't. Wow.


In other news, that is probably one of the most evenly-split large polls I've ever seen on these forums and I love it.

Half the poeple are probably just checking every option for fun