Despair Syndrome: Murder Mystery with more focus on Mystery (STATUS UPDATE pg22)

Author Topic: Despair Syndrome: Murder Mystery with more focus on Mystery (STATUS UPDATE pg22)  (Read 56510 times)

What brick-packs does this have? Onerandom, poles, vertical plates, plants and what else?
Demian's Brick Pack, Demian's Door Pack and somethings else, can't remember everything off the top of my head.

Hello can i have acess to the server without having admins?
Blockland id: 193191
Thank you for your time for reading this =) :iceCream:

Attention: Betelgeuse is a goddamn ruse master and tricked everyone in the court for the entirety of 10 minute discussion.
Watch the forget out  :cookieMonster:

I was there...
In the end he was the one who grounded us up into betelgeuse...

hehehehe puns so funny

Navar is on the server right now, go join!

Yo the server is randomly crashing/ shutting down, any idea why?  Also I can confirm Betel is master killer

I've recently found a glitch where if you throw a weapon in a certain way (or at least, that's what I think causes it), the weapon will get stuck in the floor, and when clicked, it will fall right through it. I have not seen any killers who have ditched their murder weapons with this, but it is possible someone could.

Server is repeatedly killing itself for no discernible reason.  Jack Noir has no clue what's causing it.

Adding to GrenadeSpammer's report, you can also make the weapon fall through the floor if you have a full inventory, grab the item and immediately drop it.

Server is repeatedly killing itself for no discernible reason.  Jack Noir has no clue what's causing it.
its fixed now, i fixed it yesterday
i forgot to post this yesterday whoops

notifies you to join server

I'm just gonna say my admin app has had no answer since forever, lol

« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 08:07:05 AM by Marios »

I would like to play on the server right now... Could a admin join?

How can I get my own copy of the blood and darkness?