Author Topic: Server_Roleplay 0.3.0: Added Client Add-on for Server Admins.  (Read 10247 times)

by Zapk

This is a lightweight roleplaying mod, designed to be somewhat easy to use.

/ me example-text (Preforms an action)

/ it example-text (preforms an event in local range)

/ y example-text (Preforms a Yell)

/ Setname Example Name (Sets your name)

/ radiohelp (helps gives you the commands for the Radio)
The radio is also an item, once you take out the radio item, you can only speak in radio chat untill you put it away again.

/ roll (number) rolls a random number out of the number you put.

/ recognize (makes people in your radius recognize your name, no more randoms knowing your name)

If you are an admin, you can type /adminhelp for admin commands.

You can report rule-breakers and other nonsense to admins, or use admin chat (if you are an admin) by typing @ before your message.

Talking normally (T) is Local chat
Talking in team chat (Y) is Global Chat (OOC), or /ooc message
To talk in local OOC simply put a comma ( , ) before your message.

RTB Preferences

A client add-on for this, which gives admins a full log of everything that's going on in the rp, i knew i forgot something... ;^)


Admins can see all command usage in their logs, and super-admins can see all in-character chat.


This took too long to be released, and it was just sitting collecting dust, so here ya go.
Enjoy the lazy topic format and the cool add-on by Zapk.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 08:36:25 PM by Xeidious* »

Nice Really really nice
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 09:55:14 AM by c[_] »

This is very nice, I'm wondering how to make OOC work in slayer? Talking in OOC while in a team makes you team chat rather than OOC, disabling team chat prevents you from typing in OOC. Is there anyway to solve that problem?

Never mind, I found out there is /ooc
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 08:16:19 PM by TheHellSpy »

Added the client mod for this, which i forgot.

My favorite for Roleplaying.

First look at this and I thought "chatmod looks nicer" but I looked closer and it has all the same features and more, I think. Customizable identities, for one!

Also... "Boss I have the cancer"... WHY IS THAT FUNNY, THAT SHOULDN'T BE FUNNY
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 02:06:41 PM by SuperSuit12 »

I think this broke my game not allowing me to host


What? try again and close your game, post the client log.

I'd like to see an admin command for a server-wide event message to fully immerse the roleplayers.
For example; *** [EVENT] The city is now under attack by aliens and has been raised.

Thank forget. Now blockland rp's can't be total piles of stuff. Thank you, really much. This is useful.

Although now that this is out people are going to start learning what S2K is.

"The Add-on to beat all other add-ons of the same type"

Thank forget. Now blockland rp's can't be total piles of stuff. Thank you, really much. This is useful.

Although now that this is out people are going to start learning what S2K is.
What's S2K?