Author Topic: Whats your easiest subject in school?  (Read 2837 times)


I play Annoying Orangeet and it's fun

Social studies / history

history is the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!! i prefer stuff where there's some kind of underlying logic or process like math

in fact pretty much everything i would say is probably heavily based on math. physics and math. i like physics and math. other stuff is ok if it isn't history. history sucks and i hate it. government is great, economics is great, sociology yes, psychology yes, english yes, history No. To the H*cklands with history.

Tie between Algebra 2 and physics.

language is exceptionally easy for me. too bad i'm way too lazy to use my skills properly :v)

physics, by a long shot

it's only easy because it's interesting af, especially with the new topic we're doing which is waves and radiation

Pre-Calculus is pretty easy, but I'd have to say my American Civilization class would be easier.

Really want to get into physics, tho!!

aussi, j'etudie le francais, parce que il est amusant et facile.

history is the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!! history sucks and i hate it.

history is easy as stuff. you couldnt fail it unless you weren't doing the work. the class I really like though is english because i love writing