Author Topic: Life Meaning's Tekkit Server (tekkit main) (whitelist) (port forwarded)  (Read 1149 times)

Pm me to get in.
Or add me on steam

a second topic already
had to close the other one since the other one was detracting people.
you can see it's corpse and remains.
derailers already

get banned again
I think this cash cow can go for another milking as well

>makes a server topic
>has to request to join

handicap already
He's cacti dude. Calling you a derailer and having same img as banned acc

why did you need another topic

He's cacti dude. Calling you a derailer and having same img as banned acc
whenever you make a new account, its generally expected that you will be smarter and not make past mistakes.

whenever you make a new account, its generally expected that you will be smarter and not make past mistakes.
this is his 6th account and they have all been banned for being an idiot.

this guy is clubstep-tier.

whenever you make a new account, its generally expected that you will be smarter and not make past mistakes.
Yeah, and then now he is prob reporting for derailing like he did to stufflord that one time which got Cacti banned
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 10:05:23 PM by Darth C3P0 »

god loving damn what happened to rule 7