
I gotta be honest, guys.  I am actually finding updating and constantly following this game to be a tremendous consumption of time and attention.  Frankly, I am seriously considering either dropping the project altogether or passing it off to anyone who I

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Author Topic: Nation Forge — Iron Desert [1863] — Beware the Ides of March  (Read 161799 times)

shame about the two stars, looks like swat finally saw the latest update to my bio section

The bickering Parliament agrees to halt trade with Seris immediately. Fravath is told to do the same, and watch its borders.

Friedrich Wilhelm II, Emperor of Kyrev, dies unexpectedly at 44. A great state funeral is held, but is overshadowed by the four parties in Parliament collectively rubbing their hands in glee.

must be a toilet plague

symptoms, type (virus, bacteria, parasite?) and transmission vectors please

and how the forget did it get this bad without being even noticed? you would think that somebody would find that something is not right by the time 1000 were infected.

Taxes on essential goods (food) are lowered and the military institutes quarantines throughout the cities. The Ministry of Health investigates the nature of the disease and studies the patterns of those afflicted. Due to the reallocation of government resources to mitigation of the disease, the navy's anti-piracy patrols are scaled back.

Meanwhile, private and government organizations  continue the process of mechanization to replace people in labor intensive positions, mainly in agriculture and manufacturing.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 12:50:56 PM by Operator¹ »

The Fravath government halts trade as told and the highest ranking members of the military are rounded uo

The Avalonian economy, with the shift in currencies, economic problems in Seris and heightened importance on similar programs, experiences a depression.  Economists think it is not too severe, and that moderate measures should be taken to protect against foreign trade market problems.  Staple crops moderately increase in price.  Labor unions cry for increases in wages.  Although rioting as a result is uncommon, robberies of bakeries becomes more common.  Experts predict that the depression will be over in 6-10 years, given the government takes responsible actions.

Firstly, please clarify "heightened importance on similar programs; I'm not sure what that means exactly and can't address it until I do.  Thanks.  Also it seems backwards that food prices would go up when more food is being produced as a result of mechanized farming and fertilizer.

Chancellor Walter addresses the nation in a public address in Nazgar, which is published in newspapers across Avalonia.  He commends the Avalonian people on their industriousness, cites the camaraderie and willingness to help one another displayed by wealthy Avalonians as extremely praiseworthy, and lauds the spirit of ingenuity and hard work that brought Avalonia from a collection of off and on feuding city states to a powerful actor in the international community.  He calls on the Avalonian people to continue to be their best, and assures them that the Avalonian government will do likewise: "I well know that we are a naturally conservative people, that change is not close to our hearts.  I know that the change in currency, that the troubles in Seris, that a lot of things can replace the confidence within us with fear, with panic.  But I stress to you this day that it is not these things which we should fear; these are external; these things alone cannot harm us; the only thing we have to fear is fear itself!  This alone can harm our proud nation."

Following this, former chancellor Vjornsberg, beginning to show signs of age but still displaying the vigor which helped to make him so extremely popular, takes the stage.  He starts by reiterating his personal commitment to the Avalonian people, and notes that the people should in turn support their neighbors in these trying times, "from the rich industrialist, to the sailor abroad, to the urchin on the street", Avalonians should not harden their hearts to the suffering of one another, nor capitalize on the disadvantaged state of others, nor steal from his neighbor, and expresses his shame that any Avalonians have been reduced to stealing, and that even a small minority has become violent.  He notes that he is suspending, for the time being, his higher aims of scholarships and libraries, to divert his fortunes to employing those who would work for their bread, for a time, on personal projects like the improvement of his lands, and encourages others of means to do similarly.  "Now is not the time to abandon that which raised us to our zenith simply because we have slipped from it."

Less publicly, Avalonia raises import tariffs slightly on finished goods, particularly those already produced locally, and lowers its consumption tax slightly to increase consumer spending.  The Avalonian government reaffirms its position on unions, expressing that it respects the right of workers to organize in a way that does not affect public safety to negotiate wages and working conditions or to do so individually, it likewise respects the right of businesses to hire scabs, relocate, or temporarily close their gates, and will continue to try to act as a mediator should it be desired by both parties.  The Avalonian government also expresses its willingness co cooperate with foreign investment.

Vessels from Seris are subjected to heavier quarantine and screening measures to prevent the possible spread of plague.  Avalonia pays Serisian papers to advertise that, at this time, Avalonia is not an economic haven for the unemployed, and immigrants lacking technical skill will likely experience more difficulty finding work there than they will in paces like Valbrandsvag or Vlast or where have you.  These articles are worded carefully to discourage unskilled foreigners from immigrating to Avalonia without discouraging trade.

With Sonodine now able to see some pride in itself again, resources begin to be poured into the restoration of Sunyong. While proper legal systems are restored, small military elements are moved in to enforce the law. Abandoned buildings are temporarily reoccupied as court houses.

Scotia joins the efforts to eliminate pirates, and uses its light ships to patrol the seas and protect merchants.

Work begins on incorporating a proper naval force into the Romekate military. For now this largely means paperwork for the government as ships are not yet commissioned, in part due to the lack of proper shipbuilding facilities.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 11:21:22 AM by Juncoph »

thank goodness my population is so comparably low. I can't imagine what would happen if the plague hit a more densely populated country.  (Give me money, effective quarantines are not cheap)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 03:10:58 PM by Operator¹ »

Why is my development now 3 stars?

Valbrandian biologists start researching better sanitation methods after news of a plague brings fear to the country.

Government action summary

germ theory
chlorinate the water
clean the water
antipollution ordinance
no stuffting in the water and street ordinance
improve food containment
research pesticides
remove trash (trash pickup)
wash your hands
wear mask to prevent airborne infection
wear goggles
wear earmuffs
cremate bodies
exterminate pests
keep patients isolated from each other
study patterns
reduce population density
discourage crowding
realize that plagues prevent protests
increase medical funding via the military
take in orphans under government guardianship
kill looters
kill Jews
nobody leaves their house so all goods are bought via courier
toilet proliferation
tax credits if you renounce your right to free speech (temp)
adopt bolt action with metal cartridge and volley gun for crowd control
Metal cartridge for revolvers
contemplate revenge due to the obvious abandonment with no apology
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 07:06:50 PM by Operator¹ »

chlorinate the water
wash your hands
wear mask to prevent airborne infection
wear goggles
wear earmuffs
cremate bodies
exterminate pests
keep patients isolated from each other
study patterns
yeah sure do that

Why is my development now 3 stars?
Aren't you in a civil war or something?

More at 11.

Aren't you in a civil war or something?

More at 11.

Ate there symptoms or people are just dropping dead inexplicably?

if it's the latter then there is nothing to be done

chlorinate the water
clean the water
no stuffting in the water and street ordinance
improve food containment
remove trash (trash pickup)
wash your hands
wear mask to prevent airborne infection
exterminate pests
keep patients isolated from each other
toilet proliferation
hm yes we also look to do this!!!!