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Author Topic: Nation Forge — Iron Desert [1863] — Beware the Ides of March  (Read 162072 times)

« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 11:19:37 PM by Juncoph »

Am I the only one who cant read the comic because the quality is so low or is it just me?
Also Plethora's Comic is mine for some reason unless it's been fixed.

Am I the only one who cant read the comic because the quality is so low or is it just me?
Also Plethora's Comic is mine for some reason unless it's been fixed.
No, it is bad quality...

And I just linked it incorrectly.  Rip me.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 10:17:44 PM by SWAT One »

what the actual stuff

sometimes i find high quality pictures but when i hyperlink 'em on here their quality reduces by like ten fold

should be fixed now

Öln begins quietly constructing a democratic system of voting in the Königsvorstand's members. The Königsvorstand is simply the König's board of ministers and the chancellor, who acts as the personal right hand man to the König and his regent when the König cannot rule.

The populace at large is to be able to vote in its members, however the König holds a 15% vote sway. This is a non-issue when there are more than two candidates for a position, because the alternative vote is offered in elections.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 11:42:47 PM by Juncoph »

the alternative vote is offered in elections.
I've always favored this system without knowing what it was called or if it existed.  Thanks for sharing.

The Caliphate ceases its expansions, and deploys some organized forces into the east. The Caliphate also goes back to steadily and safely (in terms of size, funding, and that jazz) building and developing its military to bring it up to former par. However, rather than putting all of its efforts towards that, it looks towards improving the roadways, and the security of these roadways, and railways are looked into as well.

The Caliphate also begins to primarily export silk, wine that they can't drink because allah said so, and to a smaller extent of the two, tea.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 04:01:15 AM by grunterdb1951 »

An Arconian inventor by the name of Alexander Preston reports of the creation of near instantaneous communication from Aureggian suburbs to a small town 17 miles away by means of an elevated cable line.  Prompting the interest of the ANR, along the main line from Auregge to Oydvyn, a cable line is strung up using poles.

Arconians gladly take wine, yes.

Arcon declares the Baytiyyad Caliphate a strategic partner and wishes to do joint training exercises.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 04:18:54 AM by SWAT One »

Arconians gladly take wine, yes.

Arcon declares the Baytiyyad Caliphate a strategic partner and wishes to do joint training exercises.

The Caliphate gladly accepts joint training exercises.

The Serisian government builds out telegraph lines to each of their major cities and to the Duchy of Fravath and Milhamiah. The inventor responsible for devising the Serisian version of the telegraph creates a code for each letter of the alphabet.

1837 Block will be added even though it's two years late

scotia begins setting up tea and coffee plantations

a blacksmith from a small village in scotia is seen riding into the city on a compact two wheeled metal bike which is powered by foot pedals, the scotian government sees potential in this invention as a means of transport and reaches out to the blacksmith to fund him in his endeavours

wait until 1860

invent something like the cow catcher instead
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 09:02:43 AM by Operator¹ »


the first pedal bike was made in 1839

Avalonian engineers at the Vjornsberg Technical Institute harness the power of steam to create powerful construction and steel working tools able to do the work of many men.

Avalonia, being a terrible place for a lot of farming, invests more into irrigation to improve and expand local agriculture.

Vjornsberg sets aside funds for a scholarship for poor but motivated Avalonian youths who desire to attend the Technical Institute, fully covering the cost of attendance for a handful of students each year.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 09:29:36 AM by Plethora »

Valbrandsvåg starts cocoa, coffee and tea farming where it's possible.