
I gotta be honest, guys.  I am actually finding updating and constantly following this game to be a tremendous consumption of time and attention.  Frankly, I am seriously considering either dropping the project altogether or passing it off to anyone who I

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Author Topic: Nation Forge — Iron Desert [1863] — Beware the Ides of March  (Read 169943 times)

request to build telegraph line in following nations
New Romekate

gruzia-nec does stuff domestically to support themselves more or something i guess??

The Serisian government also seeks to establish a rail line from the town of Musashi to Signydal. This would be paralleled by a telegraph line.
yes pls
Valbrandsvåg begins construction of railways between Thorsborg and Mørkdal.
Also, may I increase my population by 5.5%?
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:28:43 AM by Kringleberg »

Diplomats are sent to the Baytiyyad Caliphate Capitol:
"We would like to buy some land from you, mainly on the coastline, how much would you want, details of the land we want to buy will be shown later." We want the land within the red borderline however, we are willing to pay extra for all the land within the black borderline. 1

Mipoli slowly expands southward 2

1. The Caliph and his chairmen declare that they have no interest in selling off their land, and thus deny their offers.

2. The Caliph also warns that should Mipoli aim to cut off the Caliphate from eastern expansions, that it will definitely sour relations between the two, and thus asks Mipoli to expand southwards in moderation. They do aim to make it clear, they're not saying don't do south, but that cutting of the Caliphate to the unclaimed east will potentially drastically strain relations between the two neighboring nations.

The Caliphate also begins to look into potential cbrown town systems to the beginnings of their controlled deserts to better distribute water to their eastern holdings.

We are leaning towards yes, however we are waiting for your response to the following proposition:

We accept this proposition. Trading will begin immediately.

In an effort to increase technological advancement and improve communications between nations, Ruthenia proposes a political organization dedicated to research and sharing technology for the good of mankind.

Ruthenia begins looking Westward for colonization.

While mining for metals to produce weapons for Mipoli with, miners in the rocky hills south of Aleshty stumble upon a decent deposit of gold, causing a slight boost in Ruthenia's treasury.

President Dubicki proposes the small treasury boost go towards science and research related to Geology and Mining, seeing great potential in the rough mountains that once were considered almost useless.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:28:17 PM by Snow2 »

Öln signs an open cheque of 8,000,000 Rommarks (about 6,286,837 arconian augrels), and will reward it to anyone that can bring to the table an innovation in the development of roads, rails, and/or or cbrown towns.

For every year that this cheque remains unclaimed, it is increased by 50,000 Rommarks. A condition is added to the handout, though: the claimant must make their patents public within New Romekate. This means that anyone is free to use the technology within the patents, but, of course, attempting to patent something using the already-patented tech within it is still illegal.

As farms and rails near completion, government-run industry starts to shift its focus to telegraph wire and digging cbrown towns in Sonodine and east Sunyong in order to enable further agricultural expansion.

In an effort to increase technological advancement and improve communications between nations, Ruthenia proposes a political organization dedicated to research and sharing technology for the good of mankind.

You have Öln's attention.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:35:28 PM by Juncoph »

You have Öln's attention.

President Dubicki, seeking to foster good relations with Romekate, proposes the new organization be founded with Ruthenia and Romekate as the first two members, and asks Öln for any ideas as far as a logo and a good, central meeting city.

Grand Duke Theovald II's funeral is held. Thousands of people as well as the countrys nobility gather in the capital to see the decorated coffin as it travels through the city to the royal castle outside of town to be buried. Valbrandr V, Theovald II's son, is coronated as Grand Duke Valbrand V.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 06:59:48 PM by Kringleberg »

Grand Duke Theovald II's funeral is held. Thousands gather in the capital to see the decorated coffin as it travels through the city to the royal castle outside of town to be buried. Valbrandr V, Theovald II's son, is coronated as Grand Duke Valbrand V.

President Dubicki is busy during this time negotiating with Romekate, however he does send Foreign Minister Darijus Shwetz to offer Valbrand V his condolences, along with a written apology for being unable to attend the funeral.

While mining for metals to produce weapons for Mipoli with,
You don't need to do that, I resigned. I do plan on joining in the next Nation Forge game (If this one ever ends)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 06:32:35 PM by Regirock »

You don't need to do that, I resigned  
This is confirmed.

Lord Edward Guilles falls deeply ill at 81 years of age.  It is almost certain that he will not survive for another week.

Önecht, who has grown very close to Guiles in the past fifteen years, considers him a father figure and mentor who has led both him and the country to rethink the way agriculture and industry coexisted.

Discussion about deciding the next Chairman of Labor already begins to fill Parliament.  The conservative party offers up Lord Philippe Vroomen, whose policies reflect that of 30 years ago, wishing for absolute freedom of the market.  The liberal party, in coalition with the reform party offers up Karl L. Magnus, who advocates economic planning as a means to make the market freer.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 06:47:31 PM by SWAT One »

President Dubicki, seeking to foster good relations with Romekate, proposes the new organization be founded with Ruthenia and Romekate as the first two members, and asks Öln for any ideas as far as a logo and a good, central meeting city.

Säteförromek is suggested. It is well-placed for discourse between Ruthenia and New Romekate, while at the same time not out of reach for any other nations that may later be willing to join, what with the advent of rails.

A government-funded band of settlers begin to create a new town near the end of the Lehr river. Subsidies are granted to local farmers that are requested to adjust into doing commerce within this startup port-town instead of Naran, but for the most part it is hoped that they're fine with it because of the subsidies and the significantly closer proximity to the actual river.

This new village is currently being called Förhörsbås by its founders.

When the messager arrives, informing Öln of the fate of Edward Guilles, he's given a response letter containing Öln's condolences to Önecht.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 06:52:36 PM by Juncoph »

Önecht sends a letter in return, thanking Öln for his kind words.