Author Topic: Got new GTX 960, computer screen gives no signal when launching ArMa  (Read 1606 times)

Did you plug your monitor into the graphics card, rather than into the motherboard?

assuming you meant since windows 7 yeah
as far as I know, yes. I use windows 7.

What does no signal mean. Like black screen? Or your monitor shows a message about no connections.

What does no signal mean. Like black screen? Or your monitor shows a message about no connections.
The screen says no signal at the bottom left hand corner and the rest of the screen is black

try sudo rm -rf /
dont do this

Does this haooen to any other graphic intensive games? And if not, what other graphic intensive games uave you played on it.

Open nvidia control panel
Manage 3d settings
Program settings
Find arma somewhere
Select to launch with 960.

Also onboard graphics are your intel igpu. It isnt used for gaming and mainly for running displays iirc.

Or ArmA is stuff and doesnt support your display cable or whatever. For example Lakka doesnt want you to use HDMI for some reason so you have to use VGA wich is older then my grandmother. Honestly who still uses VGA?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 02:53:20 PM by espio100 »

Honestly who still uses VGA?
me :<
I don't have a proper monitor