Author Topic: I challenge you to a metroid fusion speed run  (Read 1554 times)

any% 1:18 no TAS no saves

what the hell how did you beat the game in a hour
also is that a 3ds or regular ds

what the hell how did you beat the game in a hour
also is that a 3ds or regular ds

3ds or regular ds

someone beat my record for link to the past in 2:01

2 minutes and 1 second

eat it chumps

forget now i have to get into my stuff and find my old gameboy and games

someone beat my record for link to the past in 2:01
2 minutes and 1 second
eat it chumps
are you saying your best time is 2 minutes and 1 second? or are you saying someone beat your best time by 2 minutes and 1 second?
also the fastest recorded play through for link to the past is 1 hour 23 minutes

forget now i have to get into my stuff and find my old gameboy and games

fight me

my completed save file is 6:43 D:

have gba cart and wiiu vc

this was my first time playing the game in over a year so I'm going to try to beat my time now that I know the whole route better

I have a gbasp but I have no good games at all
I should get some eventually

I can't even get past sector 4 that stuff is asinine

I can't even get past sector 4 that stuff is asinine
the first time you get to sector 4 or the second time?

hand over the pot
wtf that looks just like my hand except there's no scarring
like literally the same loving hand the nails look the same and everything
I would prove it but I have no camera