Author Topic: Blogland: My grandfather passed away last night  (Read 1915 times)

If you know me, you know I very rarely write personal stuff on here, but I just wanted to inform those of you who so kindly follow my stuff (my clan, Block Wars, my movie reviews, etc) of the reason why this week (and perhaps even next week) you might see a little less of me.

My grandfather, William Thompson, passed away last night at the age of 91. He had been suffering from dementia for at least a decade, and for the last 5 or 6 years he and my grandmother had moved in with me, my mother and my sister as we took care of them in their twilight years.

After some unfortunate circumstances (or if you believe in fate, then fate) he developed a urinary tract infection and slowly stopped eating solid foods until eventually he stopped eating foods at all. Though we tried to treat him, he wouldn't take his pills and of course, being as advanced an age as he was, an infection like this basically did him in. He died peacefully at five til six last night, February 1st. He had just celebrated his 91st birthday in December.

Basically, though I'm not saying you all should care just cause (I mean, I realize you didn't know him, that's ok), you should at least acknowledge his passing as if hadn't been for him you all wouldn't have me. I mean, unless you hate me, in which case I understand- please commence the throwing of the tomatoes.

What I really mean to say is, he was a man who shaped my sense of humor and creativity. He was a carpenter by trade and was always a man who worked with his hands, as such he's the one got me started playing with Legos in the first place (big duplo blocks- we used to build massive towers and sprawling cities in my living room whenever he came over to babysit). If not for this man I literally probably wouldn't be here talking to you all. He helped influence my childhood and became like a second father to me when my dad was busy at work (he's a blue collar man, works long hours, all that jazz).

Also, my name is Swholli, as in Scott William Hollingsworth. So that W forever immortalizes him even on these forums.

So, I just thought you'd all like to know the reason I'm not nearly as finished with Block Wars like I thought I would be a year ago. A great man has left this world, one who's energy and sense of humor I now very prudently carry with me. He very much helped shaped me into the person I am today. He was my childhood best friend who I spent more time with than I did kids my own age. He was just a kid himself who was unlucky enough to grow old.

In memory of William E. Thompson
12/19/1924 - 02/01/2016

Goodbye, old friend. May those dusty old country roads take you home.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 01:26:42 PM by Swholli »

I'm sorry to hear that, Swholli.
Your grandfather sounds like a great man.

If you ever want to talk to anyone, even if just for someone to listen, I (and I'm sure plenty others here) am more than happy to do so.

Sorry man, like sir dooble said, sounded like a great man.

Very sorry to hear that, my condolences

Also you spelled 2016 as 1016 btw

Also you spelled 2016 as 1016 btw

Oh. Lol, he was also an avid time traveler.

sorry to hear, my grandfather also passed away recently, just after his 100th birthday

My condolences. My grandfather has also passed away.

That's sad, sorry to hear. Best of luck to you and your family

the good thing is, you spent a lot of time with him and made him happy.

My condolences.

I'm named after my maternal grandfather but he died before my second birthday. My paternal grandparents died about 20 years before I was even born, my dad's father being born in 1896 lol.

So sorry to hear this, my dearest condolences. Rahmatullah 'Alaik.

My condolences. I'm such a forgetin puss mang. This made me cry.

this is incredibly sad

so sorry dude

my grandpa passed 2 years ago of lung cancer

i can relate i guess