/blogland: Neck feels horrible after football game, cant sleep

Author Topic: /blogland: Neck feels horrible after football game, cant sleep  (Read 2395 times)

Today I was making a comeback against my brothers team, I got a good gain, and when I was pushed down, my left shoulder SLAMMED into my neck and now it hurts like crap. It is stopping me from falling asleep. Anything I should do? This really sucks, even just moving my neck hurts

sounds like a concussion, and I'm pretty sure that means youre gonna die

But it wasnt my head that got hit, or brain

spoiler alert buddy your brain is in your neck

spoiler alert buddy your brain is in your neck
your brain is in your richard

your brain is in your richard

so that is why it makes so many of my decisions

if it doesn't stop in the morning go see a chiropractor

home tip! snap your neck to relieve stress!

your brain is in your richard
i guess that's why they say it has a mind of its own

welcome to hell
hell feels remarkably similar to posting on the blockland forum

Whatever you do, don't tell anyone that can help you.

Instead, post about it here.

hell feels remarkably similar to posting on the blockland forum
thats because it is