Author Topic: I had a supernataural experience last night  (Read 1300 times)

You may want to see a doctor.

About the red flashes and heat pains, not the sanity thing.

You should see a priest for that.

Preferably one specced for healing.

Demon kin is a real thing.

I unfortunately am a human kin.

my rule of thumb is that if a ghost/monster/demon ever bothers me I'll whip my richard out

they won't bother me if I have my richard out
the ultimate ghost repellent

supernatural stuff isn't real
you're overreacting
calm the heck down

You're going through menopause

Sleep Paralysis
supernatural stuff isn't real
you're overreacting

calm the heck down

Sleep Paralysis
The thing you experienced was sleep paralysis. It occurs when you have entered REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, but suddenly wake up. Since in REM sleep you experience dreams, in order to stop you from physically hurting yourself as a response to the dreams, your body gets loaded with paralyzing enzymes. When you wake up at that point, your mind is still being stimulated to dream in such a fashion, but since you wake up in a pitch-black room completely unable to move, you associate that with things you see in nightmares. At that point you basically start wildly hallucinating like you would in a dream, but awake at the same time.

This is also a danger of attempting to achieve lucid dreaming. You may scare yourself awake once you realize you are dreaming (thus achieving lucid dreaming).