Author Topic: The Harvest: Tony's Clan  (Read 41593 times)

I'm honestly not surprised that you got harvested since you're so petty.
where tf did this come from? I don't think you read his game giveaway, he was being so entitled as if giving away stuffty steam games made in unity out of stock assets in about 10 minutes, gives him a free card to forget over people. He put a message in a tiny print at the bottom that stated you had to contact within exactly 24 hours, and if you didn't well then forget you. Calling someone petty for calling tony out is pretty handicapped.
imo lord tony haters are mostly people trying to fit in by blindly hating on everything he does. You didn't get in the clan, get over it.
This is actually hilarious. what exactly was this based on? do you not think at all that there's a problem when it has become the norm to hate on someone? Do you not think for a moment that the massive op of this drama actually has at least one point to it, and that its not just hating on him because its cool to hate on him?

That last sentence is so dumb. People don't hate him because they got denied from his loving clan, how far stuck up your ass was that before you just pulled it out? Its about the stuff stirring that tony is doing in his clan by banning everyone that doesn't agree with him perfectly, from almost everything that is associated with him. It's actually funny that he seems to hate feminism and support freedom of speech so much, yet his clan is the complete opposite.

where tf did this come from? I don't think you read his game giveaway, he was being so entitled as if giving away stuffty steam games made in unity out of stock assets in about 10 minutes, gives him a free card to forget over people. He put a message in a tiny print at the bottom that stated you had to contact within exactly 24 hours, and if you didn't well then forget you. Calling someone petty for calling tony out is pretty handicapped.This is actually hilarious. what exactly was this based on? do you not think at all that there's a problem when it has become the norm to hate on someone? Do you not think for a moment that the massive op of this drama actually has at least one point to it, and that its not just hating on him because its cool to hate on him?

That last sentence is so dumb. People don't hate him because they got denied from his loving clan, how far stuck up your ass was that before you just pulled it out? Its about the stuff stirring that tony is doing in his clan by banning everyone that doesn't agree with him perfectly, from almost everything that is associated with him. It's actually funny that he seems to hate feminism and support freedom of speech so much, yet his clan is the complete opposite.
so contact him within 24 hours? not tonys fault people can't read stuff.

also this isn't the norm, it's a huge loving war between 2 massive groups of people.
you know what? give actual evidence for us to hate tony OUTSIDE OF THE HARVEST THREAD. if i allowed the harvest thread every single post would be you nitpicking from there without context when the context justifies tonys behavior towards blockchip.

freedom of speech is NOT freedom of consequence. tony has the right to tell blockchip to forget off as much as blockchip has the right to complain. that's freedom of speech and tony is perfectly abiding by it.

Imo the "you're just mad cus you aren't in the harvest lololol" BS is just bait to rile people up, don't fall for it.

You didn't get in the clan, get over it.

I think it's been well established that nobody loving cares if they're in the clan or not

so contact him within 24 hours? not tonys fault people can't read stuff.

also this isn't the norm, it's a huge loving war between 2 massive groups of people.
you know what? give actual evidence for us to hate tony OUTSIDE OF THE HARVEST THREAD. if i allowed the harvest thread every single post would be you nitpicking from there without context when the context justifies tonys behavior towards blockchip.

freedom of speech is NOT freedom of consequence. tony has the right to tell blockchip to forget off as much as blockchip has the right to complain. that's freedom of speech and tony is perfectly abiding by it.
it is almost impossible to read something in tiny loving fine print. There was no reason for that to be there other than to forget over people.

I never actually said it was the norm, the person I was replying to implied that it was the norm by saying that people hate on lord tony to fit in. That implies that it must be normal for people to hate on him as the people do it to fit in with the rest. I don't actually agree with this at all and was pointing out how dumb his point was.
I don't know what you mean by give evidence for you to hate lord tony outside of the harvest thread. I don't hate every single post that he makes, I don't want people to loving hate him. I wouldn't nitpick from his harvest thread either, I don't know where you are getting that from at all. I never said that everything that he posts is terrible. I was just replying to someone who was talking about the giveaway that he had.

I agree with the last part of this, tony is perfectly abiding by this, and so am I for saying that I disagree with him.

so contact him within 24 hours? not tonys fault people can't read stuff.
Putting something in fine print is just a richard move. Simple as that.

Did someone say my name?
Tony, ban the people who crash servers and he richardbags, not the ones that just want to build.

its mostly bronys and furries who are still butthurt that tony's got the balls to say that the stuff they do is totally socially unacceptable.

the harvest's motto should be "we pick on easy targets"

imo you haven't been around here long enough to see lord tony's bullstuff. In fact, a lot of his reputation comes from before harvest, it seems as if he hasn't changed from before. Still arrogant, still stupid, still painfully narcissistic, he's a pathetic little man trying to fill up some gap in his life to feel like he's fulfilled something at least. And you guys took the bait yet again, never change blf.
>read forum since 2008, posted since 2010

top kekaloo. He used to whale on bronies and nintendo for a long time, but he doesn't anymore.

where tf did this come from? I don't think you read his game giveaway, he was being so entitled as if giving away stuffty steam games made in unity out of stock assets in about 10 minutes, gives him a free card to forget over people. He put a message in a tiny print at the bottom that stated you had to contact within exactly 24 hours, and if you didn't well then forget you. Calling someone petty for calling tony out is pretty handicapped.This is actually hilarious. what exactly was this based on? do you not think at all that there's a problem when it has become the norm to hate on someone? Do you not think for a moment that the massive op of this drama actually has at least one point to it, and that its not just hating on him because its cool to hate on him?

That last sentence is so dumb. People don't hate him because they got denied from his loving clan, how far stuck up your ass was that before you just pulled it out? Its about the stuff stirring that tony is doing in his clan by banning everyone that doesn't agree with him perfectly, from almost everything that is associated with him. It's actually funny that he seems to hate feminism and support freedom of speech so much, yet his clan is the complete opposite.
The law does not protect the ignorant. You should've paid more attention to the "agreement" before you participated in the giveaway.

Also, if you weren't pissy about not getting in the clan, its policies or methods wouldn't bother you what so ever. Not only do you care, you have such a massive hate boner for it that I can't help but think the only source for all of that hate is pure envy.

>read forum since 2008, posted since 2010

top kekaloo. He used to whale on bronies and nintendo for a long time, but he doesn't anymore.

Been posting been lurking 2008 here.

He still rants about bronies on his G+, maybe you should lurk more.

its mostly bronys and furries who are still butthurt that tony's got the balls to say that the stuff they do is totally socially unacceptable.

It's usually the groups he tends to provoke the most, because like ike said, easy targets.

It's totally unnecessary and shouldn't even be allowed anyways. Just let them be.


it is almost impossible to read something in tiny loving fine print. There was no reason for that to be there other than to forget over people.
How much money did you spend to participate in the giveaway? It cost absolutely nothing? Wow!

Also, you can just copy the text in another window if It's too small to read, or hold down CTRL and scroll the mousewheel forwards.
You can also highlight it and right click.

Been posting been lurking 2008 here.

He still rants about bronies on his G+, maybe you should lurk more.

He rants about bronies on a social media site no one reads? Wow!

It doesn't matter anyway, He's not allowed to bring it to the forums. In fact, if he mentions anything MLP related he's instantly banned because of an extra policy Badspot made. Lurk moar.

He used to whale on bronies and nintendo for a long time, but he doesn't anymore.
iirc he's not allowed to even talk about bronies or mention them otherwise he gets banned, if it weren't for that he'd probably still do it

dagnammit didn't check the new reply thing

He rants about bronies on a social media site no one reads? Wow!

It doesn't matter anyway, He's not allowed to bring it to the forums. In fact, if he mentions anything MLP related he's instantly banned because of an extra policy Badspot made. Lurk moar.

Actually, people do read it. In fact, some of his posts were used in previous dramas. Lurk moar.

god this loving argument again

the text was small and that was dumb, it should have been properly sized, there was no reason for it to not be big and what happened was dumb

stop arguing about it