Author Topic: The Harvest: Tony's Clan  (Read 41442 times)

take a look at the big picture and realize how much of a dumbass you're starting to make yourself look like.

But no, you refuse to look further into this and repeatedly say, "lol ur just jelus, lololololol". I not once in my point here did I ever say that I was jealous or that the exclusivity of the group was a problem.

How about you come back to me after you learn how to make a solid point with proper evidence and plausible claims.
Are you going to actually make claims about what the big picture here is, or are you just going to pull the classic 'desperate internet feminist' thing and tell me to "go educate myself" until I've accepted whatever nonsense that makes it possible for us to agree perfectly? Wait, I think you already did that.

I think you pointed out the OP earlier as a post full of "valid points", but the points are incredibly petty and seem like they've been made by someone who is really frustrated about him for some reason. If Lord Tony is a massive incredulous cretin and an immature moronic troll like you say, him blacklisting you is not a big deal what so ever. He's 25 and argues with a rabid 12-year-old who wont leave him alone? Who cares.

Again, nobody loving cares whether or not they're in the clan. If you can only chalk this up to be about jealousy then you can't accuse others of being mentally damaged
What are you chalking it up to be? If you have a point just say it instead of vapidly saying how I'm wrong

Kochie has already complained about how I sound like I'm intentionally trying to piss people off, so I promise I will take on a more mature and less of a snarky tone for the next response.

What are you chalking it up to be? If you have a point just say it instead of vapidly saying how I'm wrong

That everyone is getting annoyed by the harvest stuff? It doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to see that an idiot flailing his arms around with accusations of jealousy over who is and isn't in a clan can also annoy people

seem like they've been made by someone who is really frustrated about him for some reason.
Well no loving stuff. You don't make drama topics about someone who doesn't bother you.
Who cares.
Evidently quite a few people.

Are you going to actually make claims about what the big picture here is, or are you just going to pull the classic 'desperate internet feminist' thing and tell me to "go educate myself" until I've accepted whatever nonsense that makes it possible for us to agree perfectly? Wait, I think you already did that.

I think you pointed out the OP earlier as a post full of "valid points", but the points are incredibly petty and seem like they've been made by someone who is really frustrated about him for some reason. If Lord Tony is a massive incredulous cretin and an immature moronic troll like you say, him blacklisting you is not a big deal what so ever. He's 25 and argues with a rabid 12-year-old who wont leave him alone? Who cares.

It appears as if you just don't absorb what I'm saying, like a saturated sponge. Maybe it was too much for you to  comprehend but I'll try again to put it into brief for you. Tony is a known troublemaker, fair and simple. It's not unlike him to stir controversy and cause quite the rabble. However, he's been banned for this sort of stuff-stirring before. It's the same routine, different name.

Also, yet again you imply that I want anything to do with harvest. If you actually read the thread, not once have I been harvested nor have I show blockchip, molten or even log amounts of zeal to get into harvest or get rid of it outright. Nor do I even try to associate myself with the likes of them, because I know they are just equally as stupid and petty.

Like I said before, you have your head so far up your ass that you are blind to what I've been educating you on. I mean, you could just be another Tony white knight, which wouldn't surprise me at this point with the massive ego and ignorance.

He's 25 and argues with a rabid 12-year-old who wont leave him alone? Who cares.
If he wants to be treated like a 25 year old, he should act like one. It's a worldwide rule, didn't you know?

He's 25 and argues with a rabid 12-year-old who wont leave him alone?

This is the sort of language people use to absolve people they're in favor for of any responsibility. Blockchip isn't randomly targeting Tony or the clan, Blockchip was name-dropped on tony's list of shame. I'm not saying Blockchip is right in doing what he did, but it's not like harvest didn't have it coming.

Responses are in bold

It appears as if you just don't absorb what I'm saying, like a saturated sponge. Maybe it was too much for you to  comprehend but I'll try again to put it into brief for you. Tony is a known troublemaker, fair and simple. It's not unlike him to stir controversy and cause quite the rabble. However, he's been banned for this sort of stuff-stirring before. It's the same routine, different name. The past cannot be changed, so therefore the past is irrelevant when judging a person's character. What you need to look at is how they act in the present. I'm saying this as someone who has gotten trolled by Lord Tony before over some stupid stufffight about Nintendo Vs. Sony. He is better now.

Also, yet again you imply that I want anything to do with harvest. If you actually read the thread, not once have I been harvested nor have I show blockchip, molten or even log amounts of zeal to get into harvest or get rid of it outright. Nor do I even try to associate myself with the likes of them, because I know they are just equally as stupid and petty. Whether or not I'm referring to you (individual) or you (people in this thread) depends on context.

Like I said before, you have your head so far up your ass that you are blind to what I've been educating you on. I mean, you could just be another Tony white knight, which wouldn't surprise me at this point with the massive ego and ignorance. This is an outright ad hominem.

Well no loving stuff. You don't make drama topics about someone who doesn't bother you. Just because something bothers you doesn't mean it's "bad". If I was an incredibly greedy and entitled person, the fact that I don't own the world would piss me off quite a lot. Is it a valid complaint to make that the world is stuff because it isn't mine? If you have proof that Lord Tony intentionally hurting other people, then show it. What does he do? Why is it bad? So far I've found all the reasons very lacking.

Evidently quite a few people. There is no objective negative value in getting "blacklisted". There are hundreds of extremist sects of Wahhabi Islam that have blacklisted you from their religion for your atheism alone and would crucify you on sight. Does their judgement matter to you? No, because their reasons are insane. By saying "Who cares?" I'm stating that Lord Tony's judgement shouldn't bother anyone what so ever if he is the troll that they think he is.

This is the sort of language people use to absolve people they're in favor for of any responsibility. Blockchip isn't randomly targeting Tony or the clan, Blockchip was name-dropped on tony's list of shame. I'm not saying Blockchip is right in doing what he did, but it's not like harvest didn't have it coming. Tony's list of shame. As I said to Sir Dooble, there are hundreds of lists of shame that contradict each other. Whether you should care depends on how much the values and ideals of the list maker match up with yours.

If he wants to be treated like a 25 year old, he should act like one. It's a worldwide rule, didn't you know? Maturity is not in any way related to age. How much you expect from someone is entirely relative. People are different, some know more and some know less. One thing is always true: There's always something they know that you don't. Even a person who has been locked up in a cell without windows from birth to death could share something amazing with you.

That everyone is getting annoyed by the harvest stuff? It doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to see that an idiot flailing his arms around with accusations of jealousy over who is and isn't in a clan can also annoy people Offense is always taken, never given. How much you are annoyed over something is relative to who you are. My argument is that the reasons for people being annoyed over the harvest are quite petty. There are of course times where It's obvious that someone is trying to piss you off by communicating that they disrespect you in one way or another. The Harvest is probably intentionally tongue in cheek, so "getting harvested" Isn't a big deal. Don't take it so seriously.

What would I have to do to make you see the world through my eyes?

Every person tries to be the best person they can be at all times with the resources (talents/intellect/personality/knowledge etc.) they have. Every human action has a reason behind it. Human beings also don't act good or bad for no reason. If you look at things from a bigger picture, you might start to pity "bad people" instead of getting angry at them, making yourselves more forgiving, understanding, and less hateful as a result.

Over 70% (according to some BS statistic, I don't know either) of human communication is non-verbal and dependent on body language and tone of voice, so your interpretation of someone else's intentions via communication entirely dependent on text and .jpegs has a massive chance of being utterly incorrect. I hope we can discuss this topic a lot more calmly from this point onward.

What is the reason for the negativity towards Lord Tony right here and now? Explain yourselves.

Responses are in bold

What would I have to do to make you see the world through my eyes?

Every person tries to be the best person they can be at all times with the resources (talents/intellect/personality/knowledge etc.) they have. Every human action has a reason behind it. Human beings also don't act good or bad for no reason. If you look at things from a bigger picture, you might start to pity "bad people" instead of getting angry at them, making yourselves more forgiving, understanding, and less hateful as a result.

Over 70% (according to some BS statistic, I don't know either) of human communication is non-verbal and dependent on body language and tone of voice, so your interpretation of someone else's intentions via communication entirely dependent on text and .jpegs has a massive chance of being utterly incorrect. I hope we can discuss this topic a lot more calmly from this point onward.

What is the reason for the negativity towards Lord Tony right here and now? Explain yourselves.

Bad people that I sympathize for would have to be like an anti-hero personality or someone that gives a reason for sympathy. For example, let's take the fictional character Walter White from AMC's Breaking Bad. This protagonist, while considerably questionable in his ethics and actions, you can sympathize with because he's on the brink of death and wants to find a way to support his struggling family. However, he takes a less than desirable route of making meth in order to acquire the cash. While this is illegal and considerably bad, do we sympathize with him? Yes. However, do we condone these actions? No, because they are illegal and have negative effects to him and others around him.

So lets turn back to Tony, is it possible to sympathize with him? Sure. But are his actions in any way, shape or form excusable by any means? No. Just because you can relate to or sympathize with a person does not mean you can condone their actions when they are negative.

And to continue on with your comments above, Tony is still instigating and stirring controversy. Again, different name, same bullstuff.

Maturity is not in any way related to age. How much you expect from someone is entirely relative. People are different, some know more and some know less. One thing is always true: There's always something they know that you don't. Even a person who has been locked up in a cell without windows from birth to death could share something amazing with you.
You know what, you're completely right. Tony is 25 and quite immature for the standard. However, pulling the whole "everyone is unique" and trying to turn my words into a philosophy you obviously are just dodging the statement.
What is the reason for the negativity towards Lord Tony right here and now? Explain yourselves.
Because he's an egotistical arrogant idiot that is generally unlikable. I'd bet money that 99% of people who defend tony are either just like him, or kissing his ass.

Tony's list of shame. As I said to Sir Dooble, there are hundreds of lists of shame that contradict each other. Whether you should care depends on how much the values and ideals of the list maker match up with yours.

I don't care what justification you have to give, if you make a list like that to mock people for something as petty as not being allowed in a stupid secret clubhouse, you should expect people to get pissed off about it

Everyone had it coming by singling blockchip and so many other people out. It's their fault for making that list in the first place. They aren't victims of anything. What's so hard to understand about this?

How much you are annoyed over something is relative to who you are.

If you think somebody's complaints, criticisms or concerns pertain to their social status then you've got an incredibly skewed sense of reality.

My argument is that the reasons for people being annoyed over the harvest are quite petty.

So pettiness should be met with equally petty responses? Do you honestly believe anyone here legitimately jealous because they aren't in harvest, or are you just saying that to rile them up?

Don't take it so seriously.

forget off, I can take whatever I want seriously. With that said, nobody's taking the stupid clan seriously, that's the whole point of the drama topic.