Author Topic: The Harvest: Tony's Clan  (Read 41500 times)

You know what, you're completely right. Tony is 25 and quite immature for the standard. However, pulling the whole "everyone is unique" and trying to turn my words into a philosophy you obviously are just dodging the statement. Because he's an egotistical arrogant idiot that is generally unlikable. I'd bet money that 99% of people who defend tony are either just like him, or kissing his ass.
>rips on tony for being immature then calls him an egotistical arrogant idiot that nobody likes in the same exact post.


>rips on tony for being immature then calls him an egotistical arrogant idiot that nobody likes in the same exact post.


Bad people that I sympathize for would have to be like an anti-hero personality or someone that gives a reason for sympathy. For example, let's take the fictional character Walter White from AMC's Breaking Bad. This protagonist, while considerably questionable in his ethics and actions, you can sympathize with because he's on the brink of death and wants to find a way to support his struggling family. However, he takes a less than desirable route of making meth in order to acquire the cash. While this is illegal and considerably bad, do we sympathize with him? Yes. However, do we condone these actions? No, because they are illegal and have negative effects to him and others around him.

So lets turn back to Tony, is it possible to sympathize with him? Sure. But are his actions in any way, shape or form excusable by any means? No. Just because you can relate to or sympathize with a person does not mean you can condone their actions when they are negative.

And to continue on with your comments above, Tony is still instigating and stirring controversy. Again, different name, same bullstuff.
Could you break down where exactly he is trying to provoke people? If he is, he's in the wrong for doing that, but people should still attemp to become more resistant to being provoked.

Pretty much all of my past bans were partly a result of bad behavior and held in anger which I  had from being a long time victim of bullying. I think my whole school picked on me. Being told that everyone hates you on your way out of primary school is not good for your mind. I used the forums to vent anger and that resulted to a lot of people hating me. Having personal problems does not exempt me from guilt, I decided to act how I did, but you can sympathize with me, because I didn't realize how bad I was being. Now I'm better because those people arefar away from me now.

The difference between Walter White and Lord Tony is that we know Walter White's backstory, because it's handed to us on a plate because it's a TV show. Lord Tony is a real person and his insecurities and situation are a total mystery to us until he tells us about them.

We can however understand him if we apply this idea to him. Lets use my bullies as an example. I don't know the truth, but I can understand that they didn't think it was a big deal. They didn't know how much they hurt me and they probably did it because they felt bad about themselves. Lord Tony probably lived or lives through a difficult time when he did nothing but troll people.

We can even understand the Columbine shooters with this method. If you dig into their actions before the shooting, you might find out that they actually recorded a tape that said "We're sorry. we don't know why, but we have to do this. Don't blame anyone else but us. This is entirely our fault and us being forgeted up". What they did was awful, but I can sympathize with them. They were blinded by mental illness which was born from the way they were treated in life. They weren't evil.

CIA is probably full of poor brainwashed people who don't know any better. They need to be stopped for the safety of mankind, but they're not "evil". We might think of them as "bad people", but that's a simply a normal human response.

So being angry and hateful solves nothing, you simply spread more anger and hate. Anyways,

I don't care what justification you have to give, if you make a list like that to mock people for something as petty as not being allowed in a stupid secret clubhouse, you should expect people to get pissed off about it

Everyone had it coming by singling blockchip and so many other people out. It's their fault for making that list in the first place. They aren't victims of anything. What's so hard to understand about this? Stating this and feeling this way is completely valid, my point from the beginning was that this has been stated already. Why are people repeating it? Just ignore Lord Tony pisses you off. It's the only way you can "defeat" him.

If you think somebody's complaints, criticisms or concerns pertain to their social status then you've got an incredibly skewed sense of reality. An insecure hate filled person is more likely going to be annoyed where as a neutral confident person doesn't care.

So pettiness should be met with equally petty responses? Do you honestly believe anyone here legitimately jealous because they aren't in harvest, or are you just saying that to rile them up? People seem to have a problem not falling for Lord Tony's alleged trolling and ignoring him. The message has been sent: he's an starfish. Sending more isn't going to do anything if that's the case, because as an starfish he would simply thrive on the recognition.

forget off, I can take whatever I want seriously. With that said, nobody's taking the stupid clan seriously, that's the whole point of the drama topic. Whatever floats your boat.

Having a bad history isn't an excuse for being a stuff.
We all have our own histories with their own miseries and problems. Most people are self-aware enough to not let that directly influence the way they interact with others.

Okay you know what, I'm not even going to bother refuting your points when you start backpedaling like this. Your previous points were that everybody are haters attacking tony and that they're envious because they aren't in the clan. People can check your previous loving posts, don't even bother trying to state otherwise

Having a bad history isn't an excuse for being a stuff.
We all have our own histories with their own miseries and problems. Most people are self-aware enough to not let that directly influence the way they interact with others.
I think you should try dealing with an actual mental illness first and try to judge after that. Your opinion might change.

Okay you know what, I'm not even going to bother refuting your points when you start backpedaling like this. Your previous points were that everybody are haters attacking tony and that they're envious because they aren't in the clan. People can check your previous loving posts, don't even bother trying to state otherwise
My position hasn't changed and I haven't backpedaled what so ever. I think if you still are not ignoring Tony and harping on about how he should be ignored because he's a troll after you've warned others via drama about him, I can't really see any other reason for wanting to still hate on him except that you secretly adore him or something. I don't think he is a troll, I don't find his actions particularly provocative (why i would reach the "you adore him" conclusion), but if you think he's a troll and are still giving him attention, good on you for feeding the troll.

I'm leaving this thread now. I've stated my point multiple times as clearly as I can and If you still can't understand, that's on you.

I'm leaving this thread now. I've stated my point multiple times as clearly as I can and If you still can't understand, that's on you.
Cya bb, don't forget to get groceries while you're out

rednakin should earn a metal for this

I think you should try dealing with an actual mental illness first and try to judge after that. Your opinion might change.
So you're saying I would be more forgiving of Lord Tony if I was mentally ill?

I can't fault you there.

If tony was mentally ill there would be a huge hypocricy going on.

the harvests blacklist is only important if you make it important. which everyone in this topic is doing.

the harvests blacklist is only important if you make it important. which everyone in this topic is doing.

There is a reoccurring theme here that as soon as one of my old drama topics reaches page 2 a new one is created.

Is this really an issue? Clans have public blacklists all the time and they've ban people for no reason.

There is a reoccurring theme here that as soon as one of my old drama topics reaches page 2 a new one is created.

Is this really an issue? Clans have public blacklists all the time and they've ban people for no reason.

And how often is that, exactly? Last time I checked, most groups have a very small banlist. Yours is only viewed publicly just to mash in people's faces that you've harvested them for no apparent reason or another.

You show me otherwise and I will hold my peace.

MotE's "tradition" was to ban people and they even had a banlist file to download on their front page.