Author Topic: The Harvest: Tony's Clan  (Read 41518 times)

i don't know man...... i don't think anybody is flattered by your clan....... plus those parody clans made me die of laughter to the point i think they're very good bashes sometimes
They are spam and are ruining clan discussion, hilarious.

Moltenkitten's Salvation clan was pure imitation.

They are spam and are ruining clan discussion, hilarious.
Regardless of the fact that its "spam" by your words, it's most likely resembling the fact that the Harvest clan is just one big freakin' joke and nobody is taking it seriously anymore.
like 3-4 times

Moltenkitten's Salvation clan was pure imitation.
I just looked up imitation on
1. a result or product of imitating.
2. the act of imitating.
3. a counterfeit; copy.
the others were stupid and ill-suited for this situation
Plus, PURE imitation would mean he basically took EVERYTHING from your clan thread and post it into his own clan thread. Literally EVERYTHING.

The crows are cawing
Does this mean I can play Duck Hunt now?
Yes, we must attend to the crows.
is this your code word for saying 'we must go to the harvest server' or something, actually

you know, i actually just had a thought
what if Lord Tony and his Harvest clan are trying to make us talk so much about them that Badspot is gonna have to eventually put an executive order on all of us like Tony got executive order'd for talking too much about bronies or MLP

i mean it might be a little far fetched and this is most likely stupid but its just a thought....

They are spam and are ruining clan discussion, hilarious.
The BLF is not the harvest, we can joke in it

I haven't been following this drama much but holy forget stop making harvest parody topics people

these are a new type of spam and aren't funny whether they support tony or not, 4 topics in the front page alone is just ridiculous

oops, looks like this is being discussed already

still, what's the actual point in them?

Jokes =/= Spam 100% of the time.
nah they're definitely unfunny spam

Two of them were locked.