Author Topic: is it me or is square enix is the best game dev company out there right now?  (Read 3468 times)

gust is still pumping out atelier games I'm just saying

sonaylsts combat sims were good but they dont make anymore games, and esim games is rlly good cuz they made steel beats

No love for valve? :c
the only reason anyone deals with valve's bullstuff is because they own steam and most people don't want to lose their whole collection

running with scissors, still updating postal 2 and with new dlc

idk for me every game company is going downhill but i havent played that many games so i dunno

Torn Banner best studio

They made Kingdom Hearts 2 and Deus Ex Human Revolution, so they're definitely an A-grade game company IMO. However the whole Deus Ex Mankind Divided Pre-Order DLC crap was a bunch of bull.

i love half life but valve is seriously on my bad side after the stuff they pulled with escrow and other numerous stufffests

What exactly is wrong with escrow? I've seen a ton of bitching about it but literally can't think of anything negative about it. If you're trading stuff frequently enough to have to deal with it you really should be using 2 factor authentication since it's so easy and provides great security.

There are a ton of legitimate complaints about valve but it always seems like people get really whiny about the least important ones.

What exactly is wrong with escrow? I've seen a ton of bitching about it but literally can't think of anything negative about it. If you're trading stuff frequently enough to have to deal with it you really should be using 2 factor authentication since it's so easy and provides great security.

There are a ton of legitimate complaints about valve but it always seems like people get really whiny about the least important ones.
Escrow may be frustrating to deal with, but it's actually useful for protecting your inventory and I fully understand why valve wanted to implement this. Beside's, I have a desktop app that act's as a mobile authenticator complete with the 2 factor encryption passkey system and trade request's.

my opinions:

SE is an a-ok game company, generally produces a quality product and I have no issues with them.

rockstar also produces a quality product, but the whole shark card and gta online thing is kind of a richard move.  they're better than that, they don't have to be that desperate for money.

konami fired Hideo, and for that they will pay.  but in all seriousness, I haven't add any problems with them so far.

forget microsoft.

I don't see what your problem is with ubisoft, generally they release a quality product and in a timely manner as well (save for the division being pushed back several times).  the only thing I see wrong with them is that whole watch dogs thing where they tried to pull the wool over pc gamer's eyes, that stuff ain't cool.

EA.  okay, here we go.  EA is honestly one of the worst companies out there.  while generally they release a popular (note: not quality, necessarily) product, often times the product is rushed, lacking in content and gameplay quality, and is primarily just another cash grab.  they are greedy and don't listen to their fans, all they care about is the money, and it's disgusting.

blizzard, I enjoy blizzard although I've only played four of their games, starcraft, starcraft 2, diablo III, and WoW though not extensively.  I'm not sure what warlords of draenor is but I assume it has something to do with WoW or Warcraft.  could someone explain this?  too lazy to look it up.

and activision.  don't even get me loving started on activision.  they're worse than EA, taking a skeleton Call of Duty game, making some new textures for it, and releasing it over and over every loving year.  how the forget do they live with themselves?  not even worth my time, jesus christ.

blizzard, I enjoy blizzard although I've only played four of their games, starcraft, starcraft 2, diablo III, and WoW though not extensively.  I'm not sure what warlords of draenor is but I assume it has something to do with WoW or Warcraft.  could someone explain this?  too lazy to look it up.
WoD is the most recent expansion for WoW. It raised the level cap to 100 and added another new continent to the game that will be deserted when Legion comes out. Also, garrisons. They're pretty much player-owned bases.

WoD is the most recent expansion for WoW. It raised the level cap to 100 and added another new continent to the game that will be deserted when Legion comes out. Also, garrisons. They're pretty much player-owned bases.
i fail to see the problem.

i fail to see the problem.
It's just become so formulaic and repetitive the subscriber count has diminished so much that they no longer release that information to the public. That and being able to pay money to have your character leveled up to max level instantly really turned the remaining old-timers off.

It's just become so formulaic and repetitive the subscriber count has diminished so much that they no longer release that information to the public. That and being able to pay money to have your character leveled up to max level instantly really turned the remaining old-timers off.
there it is.  yeah, shortcuts are stuffty.