Author Topic: RIP my english grade  (Read 555 times)


Today i have to present this visual project for english.  Our assignment was to take any part from hamlet and make it into a movie, live play (in class) and it had to be 5-10 minutes.  I was paired with this kid who basically took a bunch of pictures of this one scene making it stop motion.  While i was editing the project, we didn't have 5 minutes of footage to go with the voice.  I had to literally copy and paste Ophelia talking and Hamlet talking over and over again adding voices on top until it was about 5 minutes.  I can already tell if i had put this on youtube, it would be a cringe compilation worthy video.

-will bring a status update

shouldnt have been playing all that cs:go man

I doubt many others made their videos 5 min

shouldnt have been playing all that cs:go man

I didn't get any pictures until Sunday, there was nothing i could do

Upload it and make it private so I can see the meme

yeah i kinda want to see that

sincerest condolences though

Okay it went okay i guess, um i presented it and i have to wait for the grade.  I guess i was overreacting.

I will upload the video onto youtube when i get home.

I'm proud of ya, champ

Upload it and make it private so I can see the meme
this will show that you're not bullstuffting us about the meme
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 11:29:21 AM by Refticus »

that reminds me of these videos from other kids in computing we watched, while learning about SQL we were watching power points and this one PowerPoint had an entire faze clan intro video, and that was the entire thing no code or anything so of course that group failed

it can't be much cringier than that op
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 11:30:45 AM by Maxwell. »

just make the in between footage research.

instant A's

edit the final video file on notepad and remove a line or two from all the text that is there. Do this until the video won't play as it is corrupted then just tell the teacher that you don't know what happened and that you're bad with computers or some stuff

this won't work if the video actually counts toward grades, but i did this on stupid video homeworks that were completely pointless other than to cringe at everyone's terrible acting.