Overwatch Megathread




Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 779685 times)

i found ahead and officepirate and some other dood in ctf today hello <3

message to office-pirate:

i hope you choke

my IGN is Køtt so if it's not that then no

i barely play overwatch anyway, i love the cool stuff going on but i kinda just lost interest. not that i hate overwatch ofc

ah ok
and that's kinda understandable tbh, i do have some periods where i just kinda get bored of it and play other things instead for a while
yes believe it or not the guy who has a silver star lvl now occasionally gets bored of the game :p

do you ever understand the people who have like

gold portraits or platinum portraits even

like how the forget


I don't know how it is at other MMRs, but 99% of the players I see with platinum borders are mercy mains

I guess when your hero doesn't really have to do much and is borderline invulnerable every time they ult, you can play for a lot longer without getting tired

i got this game for console, big mistake. playing at low levels again isn’t fun like it was at the games release, the teams are a mix of level 5 and level 92 players. smurfs everywhere. i haven’t even been able to make it past level 10 because it’s just boring

i wish they added a new gamemode that added some new mechanics to the game, the new maps they add are trash

do you ever understand the people who have like
gold portraits or platinum portraits even
like how the forget
ya like i understand silver-tier portraits around now if they've had the game since around launch and have enjoyed playing it regularly like i have (and i'm starting to see them more frequently nowadays) but otherwise eeehhhh might be a bit much lol
i wish they added a new gamemode that added some new mechanics to the game, the new maps they add are trash
nah i personally like their new maps, even if it sometimes did take a bit for some of them to grow on me
but i do agree more arcade modes with more variety would be fun

game needs way more maps tbh. it feels like there's only 3 or 4 of them.

game needs way more maps tbh. it feels like there's only 3 or 4 of them.
I believe uhh Blizzard World or whatever is the next upcoming map.

I believe uhh Blizzard World or whatever is the next upcoming map.
That was last year during blizzcon tho

nah i personally like their new maps, even if it sometimes did take a bit for some of them to grow on me
but i do agree more arcade modes with more variety would be fun
oasis was dope, antartica is a good dm map i guess
but lunar colony and junkertown i absolutely hate

just finished all my placement matches, SR 1834 woohoo

more nerfs to mercy lol

rez makes you stationary and still has the insane casting time even in valk mode.. I know mercy is OP rn but god damn "oh stuff, our rein got focused, let me just stand here for 3 seconds without a shield to rez. oh, i got shot and it still started the cooldown, great"

they could have literally done anything else.

-reduce her ult time
-reduce the speed in which she flies in valk
-make her giant wings hitboxes to be able to focus more easily
-remove the free rez charge and only have the one

with this change it brings mercy from "hey, that's pretty good" to "only useful if not in a team fight". rezzing 5 people was insane. 2? meh. one is probably best.

also the god damn ult nerf in PTR is nuts too. If you throw a tracer bomb and you die before it explodes, it just dissapears. Same with mei. Die throwing out your ult? bye ult

NOEDIT: oh great. Looks like they nerfed valk in 4 different areas. What a stuff show.