


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 844920 times)

5 months of game for $50? ($25 if sale)

that's worth
$40 actually
unless u don't mean USD

Eat a richard, I bet you're a Shimada main.
if i had to pick one it's zenyatta

Oh no consistent art styles?
Whatever will we do?!

Out of curiosity have you met people with the name Torbjorn?

Some. It's not uncommon. Torbjörn is a mashup of the names Tor, which is the Swedish name for the Norse god Thor, and Björn which means.. bear. Tor, Björn and Torbjörn are all common. Brigitte is some made up stuff so english speakers can say her name as Bridget. Props that the voice actor is Swedish though. Torbjörn's voice actor can't even pronounce his own name. gross

get off my brother tim buckley

Some. It's not uncommon. Torbjörn is a mashup of the names Tor, which is the Swedish name for the Norse god Thor, and Björn which means.. bear. Tor, Björn and Torbjörn are all common. Brigitte is some made up stuff so english speakers can say her name as Bridget. Props that the voice actor is Swedish though. Torbjörn's voice actor can't even pronounce his own name. gross
so we have a guy with a swedish name but the wrong accent, and a lady with a swedish accent but the wrong name

reinhardt named her brigitte not her parents, maybe it's german then?

they hardly look similar at all tbh....

btw hey free widowmaker skin for everyone to celebrate starcraft's 20th anniversary https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/971100534475079680
« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 07:32:53 PM by gr8dayseth »

i love going around as brigitte spamming "mace to the face" as i whack people.

thank you blizzard

i think it's safe to say this loot box did not leave me speechless

the best thing about lootboxes is that once you get to around gold border you've gotten enough to unlock everything in the game (except events), so getting stuff for new characters is ez

also reaper and mei ptr changes next week!

I installed the solid state drive I bought back in November specifically to improve my chances of locking Brigitte before anyone else

New mission for the Archives event: Overwatch Retribution

"Travel eight years into the past and join Blackwatch as they seek to capture a high-ranking member of the Talon organization. Fight in the streets of Venice as Genji, Moira, McCree, or Reyes (later known as Reaper) to complete the mission and unlock pieces of the past with over 100 items from last year and 60 new ones—including highlight intros, emotes, sprays, and more. "

-Retribution is set in Venice and will feature a new map. This Venice map is named Rialto and will become a permanent payload map and will be available on the PTR for testing.
-Confirmed skins include: Blackwatch Moira, Soldier: 24 Reaper, and a Genji or Hanzo skin