


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 844475 times)

richard hammond from top gear is also known as hamster

What a loving stupid ass hero. Guess im done with this stuff game
here I was expecting a rant on balancing and abilities

on the contrary i love how this guy looks and want to pick the game back up after quitting for now almost a year

Hammond is likely coming out 2morrow so get noided

Symmetra is being added to competitive later today. She's a lot more fun than before so I can't wait.

i started playing again its been 5 seasons but im playing Mercy and wow she is bad

ive been ploaying a lot of arcade, p fun

My favorite mode is DM, until you get that one guy who picks Brigitte or Doomfist

i rather face a roadhog or moira over those

have won 6 lost 1 in placements so far 0:
fav thing to do is fly at widowmakers with mercy ult and kill them

I play a lot of DM, feels like blockland. Was playing Tracer only but wanted to try Doomfist. Too ez..

heck ya my arcade buddies

i like playing dm but mystery heroes is my main jam. also i'll play ctf whenever it's actually on the arcade but it just hardly ever happens and it makes me sad cus it's actually a fun mode now
fav thing to do is fly at widowmakers with mercy ult and kill them
it's just so satisfying to do

played lucio on one of these because mercy didnt do & i can NOT wallride anymore which is so sad because i used to be super good at it when i was a plat lucio main

we got that d.va tummy skin

thank papa jeff

Got POTG today as Torb while failing to jump on the payload, high skill hero