


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 787255 times)

the highest ranked guy in the game is a diamond im p sure

the highest ranked guy in the game is a diamond im p sure
thats not really that good
diamond iirc is just ok this season

thats not really that good
diamond iirc is just ok this season
Still pretty good, I think it's like top 25% or something

I'm pretty sure Josh is like the best Genji in Australia

that moment when you have barely any coins and want the young genji skin, then out of a free lootbox from winning an arcade mode game you get a legendary coin treasure box and now have 970 / 1000, now just a few dupes will do it :D

diamond is the bretty good but not great area this season

I'm pretty sure Josh is like the best Genji in Australia
being Genji and being good are not things that go hand in hand. People just think they do.

jesus did they nerf roadhog's hook but buff his damage?

jesus did they nerf roadhog's hook but buff his damage?
no, targets are just put into a consistent place rather than being some odd varying distance based on the hero hooked. This enables him to get a good shot on any hero.

roadhogs a trash hero anyways
rein buff when

sombra: *hacks into torbjorns computer and deletes his entire hentai folder*
torbjorn: møțhēř fúçķęř!!! whęŕê ïś mý hĕñţåı!!!

sombra: *hacks into torbjorns computer and deletes his entire hentai folder*
torbjorn: møțhēř fúçķęř!!! whęŕê ïś mý hĕñţåı!!!

kimon forgot that he's not on tumblr

it's low, even for tumblr standards