


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 787492 times)

also, I'm rank 13 and regularly being matched with rank 40+ people, why is this? I thought you were supposed to be matched with people of similar rank
I'm not awfully familiar with the metrics myself but I believe that applies to SR in comp and not so much rank.

also, I'm rank 13 and regularly being matched with rank 40+ people, why is this? I thought you were supposed to be matched with people of similar rank

those are just levels, and since levels are primarily a measurement of how long you've been playing they don't really factor in to matchmaking very much, I'm almost level 400 and I've been in plenty of games with people under level 50 (most likely smurfs whose real MMR has caught up to them)

the reason you're encountering those people and the reason it's taking so long to find a match is probably because there just isn't a big enough pool of players around your skill level searching at the same time to pull from

also yeah I'd turn off skirmish, it might just be a placebo but it feels like you get put into games faster when it's not also trying to keep track of that
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 07:21:17 PM by Regulith »

if you can use a mouse at all you're going to be matched up with higher level players when you first start playing overwatch at least in casual play

some much-needed fixes on the PTR

- Mercy's Valkyrie no longer removes cast time on Resurrect, no longer grants an additional Resurrect charge, and has had its duration reduced to 15s (from 20s)
- Junkrat's Concussion Mine now has damage falloff

I feel like the Mercy nerf is a bit extreme. Blizzard is nerfing her in the wrong areas. They should have given her a larger hitbox during valk, nerfed/removed the self healing, and slightly nerfed the range/speed of guardian angel instead of screwing their game up. Blizz refuses to acknowledge they have no idea what they're doing.

also, I'm rank 13 and regularly being matched with rank 40+ people, why is this? I thought you were supposed to be matched with people of similar rank

after you turn level 10 the ranking goes gay

Ana's snow owl skin has got to be my favorite now. That and i've been playing a lot more Ana nowadays.

forget Genji though, as usual.

overwatch league skins apparently coming on the 10th, I don't give a single stuff about any of the teams but I love blue and those dallas fuel skins are dope

I feel like the Mercy nerf is a bit extreme. Blizzard is nerfing her in the wrong areas. They should have given her a larger hitbox during valk, nerfed/removed the self healing, and slightly nerfed the range/speed of guardian angel instead of screwing their game up. Blizz refuses to acknowledge they have no idea what they're doing.
mercy should be nerfed to the point of being unplayable

i never knew this but apparently they tried making mercy's damage boost 50% twice and had to nerf it both times because stuff like mccree could instakill headshot. they don't know how to balance and they don't remember their previous failures so thank you overwatch

i never knew this but apparently they tried making mercy's damage boost 50% twice and had to nerf it both times because stuff like mccree could instakill headshot. they don't know how to balance and they don't remember their previous failures so thank you overwatch
where does your infinite knowledge of game balance come from

overwatch should hire me so i can balance widowmaker by deleting every last trace of her from the game

the junk and mercy nerfs are much needed and appreciated

overwatch should hire me so i can balance widowmaker by deleting every last trace of her from the game

we havent played together in months ahead, but im Very Sad to see you have sunk to widowmaker levels of degeneracy
Don't worry, I'm still alive! Just in another game ;-)
Also that was my friend playing for me. Redirect all complaints to him (assuming you know his contact details). I don't like Widowmaker at all lol, just wanted to show off.

oh good, I was about to post a card I got for 60% team damage healed as moira but apparently every screenshot I've taken for the last 2 weeks has been inexplicably stripped of all UI and player elements, leaving me with roughly 2 dozen stupid wallpapers

edit: apparently this is what happens when you pick a screenshot resolution above 1x, but they don't actually tell you that

overwatch should hire me so i can balance widowmaker by deleting every last trace of her from the game

« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 10:53:29 PM by Regulith »