


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 843979 times)

moira is op and junkrat should be removed from the game and any records of him purged

Hanzo's getting a lunge double jump and an arrow volley ability

our bow boi is going to wreck some lives

moira is op and junkrat should be removed from the game and any records of him purged
You mean Genji needs to be purged unless you're a filthy Genji player yourself

Hanzo's getting a lunge double jump and an arrow volley ability

our bow boi is going to wreck some lives

lol blizzard has no idea how to balance a video game

buffing mei is the worst decision they've made, she's op enough why'd they buff her for forgets sake

hey nobody's talking about the sombra buff on the ptr!
she won't get ult charge from hacked health packs anymore but her weapon spread is a bit tighter, her time to hack is much shorter, hacking someone disables passive movement abilities and lucio's aura, and she'll be able to see enemy's health bars if they've taken any damage regardless of if she damaged them or not (not thru walls just if they're in view)

basically she'll become more of an assassin instead of an emp bot
sombra's already one of my favorite heroes to play for her assassin style so this is a blessing

lol blizzard has no idea how to balance a video game
are u implying scatter arrow would be more balanced than those cus the current plan is to replace it with them if u didn't already know
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 02:40:36 PM by gr8dayseth »

are u implying scatter arrow would be more balanced than those cus the current plan is to replace it with them if u didn't already know
wasnt aware of that
what does the arrow volley do?

wasnt aware of that
what does the arrow volley do?
included the "double jump" part too since it might be slightly different than what u thought at first
The way we have his leap working right now in our internal builds is that its a double-jump, much like his brother, but with a couple key differences. Firstly, it is mostly a horizontal leap (and its pretty fast), unlike Genji's vertical leap. Secondly, it has a small cooldown, which is necessary considering the amount of mobility it gives Hanzo now. Also, to clarify, you will leap towards the direction you are pressing, not the direction you are facing. This is the exact same control scheme we use for Tracer's blinks, so think of it like that.

For his new ability called Volley, we're still iterating on it. For example, we've already changed the numbers of arrows fired from 5 to 6 and lowered the damage per arrow. Currently it lasts up to 6 seconds, and allows you to fire about 3 arrows per second (up to 6 total). Each arrow fires at "full power" but deals only 80 damage (instead of his normal 125). There is no charge time while in this mode, if you hold the button down you will fire the arrows in a full-auto mode.

This has been really fun so far in playtests. He has a lot more options during combat now, and deciding how and when to use your Lunge ability is really interesting. You can use both ability to leap around a corner and fire a bunch of arrows into a key target, but then you're leaving yourself really open to counter attack. You can also save Lunge when you know there is an enemy Winston looking to jump on you to make a quick leap back while firing tons of arrows into him and his barrier.
it's not definite this is how it's gonna end up being yet, but this does seem like it'll be a lot more fun both ways now

I love playing hanzo but loathed using scatter so this is a blessing

lol blizzard has no idea how to balance a video game
wasnt aware of that
what does the arrow volley do?

you really can't accuse blizzard of having no idea what they're doing when you actually have even LESS of an idea of what they're doing

you really can't accuse blizzard of having no idea what they're doing when you actually have even LESS of an idea of what they're doing
im blizzfully ignorant

OW is having a free weekend on the 16th, you should try it out and see what you're missing out on