


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 845374 times)

Are you even listening to yourself? How is a character good if they only fill a niche on 1 or 2 maps out of a much larger map pool? Sounds like a pretty bad character to me.
he didnt say bastion is good, he said bastion is pretty bad except on 1 or 2 so not being able to kill bastion with 1 pulse bomb isnt a problem

in plat and above i see competent teams who can very effectively protect the bastion. sometimes the only way to disrupt that comp is with a tracer bomb or junkrat tire.

he didnt say bastion is good, he said bastion is pretty bad except on 1 or 2 so not being able to kill bastion with 1 pulse bomb isnt a problem
Didn't see what he quoted, my brain at the time thought he was replying to me

quick summary of the update

idk it seems pretty reasonable to me
I didn't think her ult was a problem, I thought her overrall DPS was. She's too survivable for how much damage she does, and she does it fast too.

how 2 pwn in comp ffa:

1.pick Brigette/moira

congrats on your ez comp points

the forums is leaking into the overwatch community again

i cant stand this game

if there's one thing that's consistent with blizzard it's that they suck at balancing across all games >:(

i cant stand this game

if there's one thing that's consistent with blizzard it's that they suck at balancing across all games >:(
Heroes of the storm is pretty well balanced

i am a happy plant

sym rework is live in ptr

i was a bit skeptical about her rework at first but she's more fun to play as now