Author Topic: when did feminism go downhill  (Read 11174 times)

the terrorism trend in the middle east is a political phenomenon, not a religious one. terrorist groups exist because they're politically effective or the only way that people can see as a solution to their problems. people that are angry and hopeless are pretty quick to jump to political extremes. it's a response to terrible socioeconomic and political climates that people want revolutionised. we can even see it happening (thankfully to a much lesser and more legal degree) in america

Aren't most public shootings in the US by white people
i wanted to point this out along with 200+ casualties in the last 20 years by them, but the point was moot.

the terrorism trend in the middle east is a political phenomenon, not a religious one. terrorist groups exist because they're politically effective or the only way that people can see as a solution to their problems. people that are angry and hopeless are pretty quick to jump to political extremes. it's a response to terrible socioeconomic and political climates that people want revolutionised. we can even see it happening (thankfully to a much lesser and more legal degree) in america
But those political problems are exacerbated by the almost tribal conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

But those political problems are exacerbated by the almost tribal conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
which is probably also arguably a political/social problem

in any case that would be a civil conflict between two groups within the region and not simply "they're muslim therefore they're bad." i'm mostly addressing the idea that this political movement somehow reflects directly on islam when it's essentially a problem of civil unrest

Feminism and SJWs are what happen when you let degenerate philosophies breed and propagate throughout society. Fascism is the natural order; the strong must take charge and subjugate lesser people, who in turn must accept their place in the hierarchy of social order or be culled to prevent degenerate behavior from emerging in society.

If we let our empathy control us things will only become worse. We don't think twice when talking about animals in terms of breeds and being superior to one another for their natural traits. Why do we think humans are above that?

But those political problems are exacerbated by the almost tribal conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
Not to forget, a lot of the political instability in the middle eastern countries is primarily contributed to the United State's interference and establishments in the area, which have been in effect since the early 50s. It's more or less been an oppressive rule with heavy extortion, which has put a lot of stress on the economies of oil rich countries. This stress would eventually lead to civil unrest and allow opportunists to seize control and gain the support of the masses.

Feminism and SJWs are what happen when you let degenerate philosophies breed and propagate throughout society. Fascism is the natural order; the strong must take charge and subjugate lesser people, who in turn must accept their place in the hierarchy of social order or be culled to prevent degenerate behavior from emerging in society.

If we let our empathy control us things will only become worse. We don't think twice when talking about animals in terms of breeds and being superior to one another for their natural traits. Why do we think humans are above that?

I can get behind that.

SJWs are not a loving disease, they're an annoyance. You can simply avoid twitter and tumblr and you'll instantly be free from any oppressive females.

If you meet a feminist in real life, it's more than likely they will not attack you unless you provoke them first or make sustained eye contact, so really that would be your fault.

is badspot just not enforcing this policy anymore?

SJWs are not a loving disease, they're an annoyance. You can simply avoid twitter and tumblr and you'll instantly be free from any oppressive females.

If you meet a feminist in real life, it's more than likely they will not attack you unless you provoke them first or make sustained eye contact, so really that would be your fault.

but why let them exist in the first place

but why let them exist in the first place
Same reason why we let you exist in the first place. You're as much of a waste of space as anyone else on this planet. You have your own opinions, you express them. SJWs have their own opinions, they express them. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong.

Social Justice Warriors make it their life goal to unjustly defend other groups of people in their own self-righteous manner. However, if you're the one attacking the SJWs, you are actually the worse of the two.

Fascism is a terrible concept for that exact reason. There's so many different people in the world, so many different points of view. Strong becomes subjective, and so does weak. In the end you just have another group of self-righteous starfishs who will be out for blood.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 09:41:09 PM by Path »

is badspot just not enforcing this policy anymore?
seriously this argument happens like every other day. i can appreciate how hands-off badspot is as a moderator but i cant say i'd miss this particular debate too much

Feminism and SJWs are what happen when you let degenerate philosophies breed and propagate throughout society. Fascism is the natural order; the strong must take charge and subjugate lesser people, who in turn must accept their place in the hierarchy of social order or be culled to prevent degenerate behavior from emerging in society.

If we let our empathy control us things will only become worse. We don't think twice when talking about animals in terms of breeds and being superior to one another for their natural traits. Why do we think humans are above that?

is badspot just not enforcing this policy anymore?
I'm not sure what "policy" you're talking about? he banned spece for being overtly tribal/loveist/what have you
and one other guy for trolling
I don't understand what you're trying to say he should do

is badspot just not enforcing this policy anymore?

badspot also called "identity politics" a brain virus. specever was a troll