Author Topic: Im sick as hell, help me!  (Read 1793 times)

why did you drink mountain dew when you felt sick?
maybe he thinks that the cancer, which mountain dew will give him, will eat the stomach bugs,

why did you drink mountain dew when you felt sick?
It was a substitute for not having 7-up or gingera ale

EDIT: I also fell aslerp on my bathroom floor for a few minutes.

I got up and started sucking on ice, its starting
to make me feel better
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 01:09:27 PM by blockman01 »

It was a substitute for not having 7-up or gingera ale
thats like saying

why did you use washer fluid as oil?

"it was s substitute for not having oil"

you should have just drank water

every single time I get a terrible stomach bug that prevents me from consuming anything (which isnt often at all), I go to the doctor

hey what has the doctor told you each time you went

why did you drink mountain dew when you felt sick?
mountain dew is actually good for stomach aches, ik from experience

If you water down mountain dew it'll make it somewhat like 7-up. Not in flavor but it'll help your stomach.

did you eat or drink anything sketchy recently, OP?

Nothing out of the ordinary....

I cant see a doctor right now anyway, Im home alone with my brother...

no you HAVE to see a doctor. i mean for all we know you could have ebola

I recently got the stomach flu really badly and I never go to the doctor for anything but I ended up in the ER because I wasn't able to even keep liquids down and I had this horrible abdominal pain- it was so bad I couldn't even stand. I had to be put on morphine and given some serious nausea medication.

Sucking on ice and drinking tiny sips of Gatorade helped me an infinite amount. That and having a cool washcloth around for my face to keep me cooled down.

Don't rush to the doctor because a lot of the time a doctor can't do anything for your stomach except send you home and tell you to rest. Wait two days or so to see if you get better!! The only reason I went was because of the awful pain I was in.

Okay there was a blocklander with similar problems like you

DRINK WATER.  I can't stress this enough, even if you can't keep it down at least drink something that you can.  Since you appear to be throwing everything up, go see a doctor because it is probably a bacterial infection.  Also, be prepared to diriea (how ever you spell it) because that is usually how you get rid of waste. 

Don't rush to the doctor because a lot of the time a doctor can't do anything for your stomach except send you home and tell you to rest. Wait two days or so to see if you get better!!

thaaank you

go see a doctor because it is probably a bacterial infection.

the issue will literally resolve itself 90% of the time

I recently got the stomach flu really badly and I never go to the doctor for anything but I ended up in the ER because I wasn't able to even keep liquids down and I had this horrible abdominal pain- it was so bad I couldn't even stand. I had to be put on morphine and given some serious nausea medication.

Sucking on ice and drinking tiny sips of Gatorade helped me an infinite amount. That and having a cool washcloth around for my face to keep me cooled down.

Don't rush to the doctor because a lot of the time a doctor can't do anything for your stomach except send you home and tell you to rest. Wait two days or so to see if you get better!! The only reason I went was because of the awful pain I was in.

What?! No! Doctors can do a lot for your stomach, you should see a doctor no matter what, whatever you are smoking is getting to your head. 

OP go see the doctor or like neon said, if it is horrible pain, go the to ER

What?! No! Doctors can do a lot for your stomach, you should see a doctor no matter what, whatever you are smoking is getting to your head.  

OP go see the doctor or like neon said, if it is horrible pain, go the to ER

Jesus Christ you have no idea what you're talking about

OP has only been sick for a couple of hours and is already starting to feel better due to home remedies

wanna know why? because you don't need to see a doctor over petty stuff

thaaank you

the issue will literally resolve itself 90% of the time
Not if its bacterial, you need antibiotics (I'm talking about salmonella, and other things like this)

Jesus Christ you have no idea what you're talking about
>Horrible stomach pain
>Goes to doctor
>Doctor just says "go home and rest"
>Pain gets better
