Author Topic: Enhanced Graphics Screenshots + Graphical Resources  (Read 156597 times)

Ratio multiplier? Is this something in the shader files? I haven’t worked with them too much.
There are these 10 lines in the renderCsm_frag.glsl file:
Code: [Select]
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;0.4f is pretty much the multiplier, and assuming the old common.glsl I found wasn't tampered with too badly, "//eyeballed to match fixed function appearance" comes before it in the old shader files, so it's kinda arbitrary.

Does that work as a good client-sided fix across multiple servers, or do the default lights’ radiuses need to be fixed, since apparently that value is enabled and used when shaders are on, but disabled without shaders.
The radius of lights shouldn't need to be changed, but changing 0.4f to a lower value with dim all lights in exchange for not having overly bright areas. I tried clamping values at different places but I wasn't satisfied with the results.

Would it be okay to ask if my rendering optimization DLL be added to the main thread? It's mostly an improvement if you use shadows, so I'd imagine people looking for enhanced shadows would use it. Thanks.
Although the bottom of the thread does say to PM me, it really doesn't matter. I'm always open for new graphical resources, and even though the OP is within 100 characters of the 20k limit, room will always be made for anything new. Thanks for making it.

I’ll try editing those values, thanks.

I always assumed it was something with the radius of lights since that’s what others said in the threads I linked.

Extra: Reshot in ReShade

The download link in Shadow Opacity thread is dead. Though this post from the topic explains how to do it yourself/add it to any shader you want by editing the renderCsm_frag.glsl
adding const float occlusionBlend = 0.8f; and changing applyLighting(fragColor, albedo, occlusionFactor); to applyLighting(fragColor, albedo, 1 - (1 - occlusionFactor) * occlusionBlend); achieves the effect on any shader.

Here Blockland's default renderCsm_frag.glsl with the Opacity fix. If you're from the future and the download breaks for some reason, PM me and I'll fix it.

I uninstalled it, but it's kinda unclear how to properly reinstall it correctly.

How do I properly attach it to blockland, and what rendering API do I choose?
Also what should the reshade settings be?  I have no idea what I'm doing lmao

I uninstalled it, but it's kinda unclear how to properly reinstall it correctly.

How do I properly attach it to blockland, and what rendering API do I choose?
Also what should the reshade settings be?  I have no idea what I'm doing lmao
Select Blockland.exe after you click the select game to install to button. Rendering API used by Blockland is OpenGL.

Now you'll have to choose whether to use the main ReShade shader repository files or Marty McFly's qUINT shaders. I recommend using qUINT instead of downloading and installing the main repository shaders, however you can still download SMAA if you want anti-aliasing via ReShade, then you'll have to opt to download the shaders when prompted, and press uncheck all, only checking SMAA.

If you want to install qUINT (what I recommend), download the ZIP on the github, then extract the contents of the Shaders folder inside the zip (it's nested inside the qUINT-master folder) into the Shaders folder inside of the reshade-shaders folder that will the in your Blockland folder.

Once you run Blockland again, it should tell you what key you need to press to open and close the ReShade configuration menu. Press it and then you can toggle on effects such as MXAO (looks good almost everywhere), Bloom (more situation and preference dependent), SSR, ADoF, and SMAA if you opted into downloading it earlier. You can also further tune each of these effects with the variables below the shader checklist if you like.

Bumping this because I don't want it to die.

  • ReShade 4.5.2 exists
  • qUINT updated again (very minor update)

And more CHSS demonstrating screenshots:

New Years 2020: