
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227222 times)

Doesn't that create a precedent for other people to start beating up people they disagree with?
Hearts and minds are not won through physical violence. That stuff is mad childish. What most of the 'anti-fa' crowd doesn't realize is that their stuffty behavior only gives their opponents a bigger platform to stand on. You ask me, that's probably the biggest reason Annoying Orange won the election, because people have given up the art of persuasion in favor of temper tantrums.
i feel both of you on these points (noticed i cropped out the top part of rallys cause i cant agree with that), yeah creating a mindset of "beat people up you dont  like" is bad. but i believe that we, the human race (or americans ig), set the moral bar at which things pass the line. why is alcohol, something that causes thousands of deaths a year, still legal? we believe its within moral reason to keep things that way. i, personally, believe that actions like those in discussion are morally acceptable (again not saying LEGALIZE random beatings). this is the same thing that prevents good people from committing robberies and murder on a daily basis. can we really move forward as a people when we still have individuals who refuse to move away from their incredibly primitive way of thinking (i see the irony already because im talking about fighting someone ill call myself out on it lol)?

now obv this is a whole nother discussion involving a perfect society ect ect, but essentially thats my reasoning behind why i would throw hands with white dudes with swastika tattoos.

what would there be to debate with a neo-national socialist? it is generally accepted by most functional members of society thst neo-national socialists have nothing of value to contribute in terms of their political beliefs.

I mean neither do you but we still talk to you

Beating up people for having a different opinion is stuff that went down in Soviet Russia, but here in America we have this thigh called free speech which applies to everyone

I mean neither do you but we still talk to you
ok poli take the L with this one tho lmao
tell me more red spy-san~~~

I mean neither do you but we still talk to you
yeah sick burn coming from the canuck who got into a pissing contest with leisure suit about who gets laid more a couple pages ago

yeah sick burn coming from the canuck who got into a pissing contest with leisure suit about who gets laid more a couple pages ago

Don't forget I'm the one who won that convo.

You are trying to insult me by saying that I get all the pusillanimous individual Poliwhirl. Think about it.

also antifa dude who punched richard spencer got DOXed and he's even more of a friend than i originally thought

there's also a lot of NSFW pics of him doing some disgusting & slave stuff

Isn't he literally a stuff eating friend or something?

5 love slaves say he's actually Kimon.

Isn't he literally a stuff eating friend or something?

5 love slaves say he's actually Kimon.
i'll take ya up on that offer

i'll take ya up on that offer

They're all Serbian so they might not be up to your standards

I don't think that image 100% confirms that guy's identity. Please hesitate before starting a witch hunt.

I don't think that image 100% confirms that guy's identity. Please hesitate before starting a witch hunt.

Dude none of us are going to forget with him or attack him. We're not Kimon

this information only makes the event funnier to be honest