
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228160 times)

This isn't some fringe group. This is Occupy Democrats, who have over 5 million handicaps following them
when you see historical misinformation like this you can't help but feel sad for the tragic tards who believe it
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 10:38:02 AM by Gytyyhgfffff »

"Annoying Orange's proposal for 20% tariff raises spectre of withdrawing from NAFTA"

wasn't leaving nafta another big part of his campaign

how's it a big surprise if he leaves nafta

also frick u dump don't tax my jarritos u big smelly willy

has NAFTA not been, like, objectively good for everyone


"Mexican president cancels visit to Washington"

the wall isn't even up yet and it's already keeping mexicans out

"Mexican president cancels visit to Washington"

the wall isn't even up yet and it's already keeping mexicans out

The Prophecies become incarnate before those who do not believe.

What Kind of Alt-Right Are You?
Your Result: Libertarian/Ancap
Your chief disagreements with the left are economic, not social, and you adopt a largely "live and let live" view towards your fellow man.  You probably don't associate with/identify as alt-right, and the alt-right by and large only sees you as a foil for more vocal and annoying SJWs.  You probably like guns and anime a little too much.
Result Breakdown:
80% Libertarian/Ancap
66% National Socialist
40% Blackpiller
22% Fascist
0% White Supremacist
0% Traditionalist/Monarchist

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

can someone explain to me why what gun I like most plays into this
fyi I picked the MG-42 because that thing is badass


may conference going on now w/ UK PM theresa may and pres. Annoying Orange
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 01:23:59 PM by Decepticon »

how can he house 18 billion americans when there's only 7 million people on the planet 😓