
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231878 times)

Islamic, not Muslim. Muslim is not an ideology, Islam is. I am talking about islam, the belief. Not muslims, the followers. Stop trying to confuse things.
Again, so if you hate the ideology, you're telling me you have absolutely no resentment towards Muslims?

Furthermore, if you believe that Islam is incompatible with society, how do you propose we fix that? I can understand the need to reform Sharia Law in a lot of countries so that women have equal opportunities in society, but what's your plan for actually fixing an incompatible ideology?

Again, so if you hate the ideology, you're telling me you have absolutely no resentment towards Muslims?
No. Why do you keep trying to push the point that I hate muslims, when I don't at all and have specified many times before? I dislike the ideology, not the followers. Stop trying to push otherwise.

I'll adress the second part later today when I have access to a computer keyboard instead of a phone one

Furthermore, if you believe that Islam is incompatible with society, how do you propose we fix that? I can understand the need to reform Sharia Law in a lot of countries so that women have equal opportunities in society, but what's your plan for actually fixing an incompatible ideology?
spoiler alert: he has no idea and is just writing as he goes

spoiler alert: he has no idea and is just writing as he goes
Except I do have an idea lol

If I didnt then why would I be debating???

the bible has a lot of stuff in it that's incompatible with society, too. people just ignore the parts of religious texts that arent compatible, because in america you are under no obligation to strictly follow a religious text.

The ideology itself is a radical and intolerant belief and law system (sharia law), which is not compatible with the rest of the world at all.

If it's not compatible with the rest of the world, why is it the second most popular religion in the world?

the bible has a lot of stuff in it that's incompatible with society, too. people just ignore the parts of religious texts that arent compatible, because in america you are under no obligation to strictly follow a religious text.
They haven't been acted upon not even a decimal close to Islam. Excusing the actions and beliefs of islam with "b-but Christianity" is not an argument.

They haven't been acted upon not even a decimal close to Islam.
I mean, The Crusades were many-times more lethal than the current conflict in the Middle East.

Also like, a good number of the insurgent groups in Africa that rape & murder people are made up predominantly of Christians and justify their actions based on weird interpretations of Christianity.

Remember that Joseph Kony guy who was a meme in 2012?

I mean, The Crusades were many-times more lethal than the current conflict in the Middle East.
Recent times, not over 300 years ago.

Excusing the actions and beliefs of islam with "b-but Christianity" is not an argument.

This right here is honestly why you should just throw in the towel now. You really don't know what's going on in the middle east if you think the religion itself is to blame for radicalization. History doesn't exist in a vacuum, after all.

Recent times, not over 300 years ago.

He's drawing parallels with historical context, dumbass. Both the Crusades and the radicalization of Islamic youth could be summed up as a political force using religion as a vehicle to gain power and territory through violence and terror, and both were written off as a dumb "Holy war" as they were happening, mis-attributing the darker purpose behind the acts and  deeds to solely religious ideologies.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 01:52:52 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

They haven't been acted upon not even a decimal close to Islam. Excusing the actions and beliefs of islam with "b-but Christianity" is not an argument.
yeah there also arent very many predominantly christian nations that have been forgeted over and left for radical terrorist organizations to take over and use the predominant religion as an excuse for their actions, either. saying islam alone causes these terrorist attacks is naive at best, but most likely a convenient way to justify your hatred for islam.

The difference between crusades and muslims is that one of these religious groups actually evolved and isn't stuck in the past.

guys you gotta step back and remember youre arguing with a 15 y/o about the radicalization of islam. i mean no shade towards inh, but dont forget who youre talking too lol

Recent times, not over 300 years ago.
But modern western society is not at all brown townogous to what the Middle East is like. There are more reasons besides religion that explain why somewhere like Switzerland has far fewer violent extremists than Iraq. One of those places is famous for having world-class chocolatiers, and the other place is a bombed-out desert ruled by a barely-functional installed government and filled with abandoned American military technology.

guys you gotta step back and remember youre arguing with a 15 y/o about the radicalization of islam. i mean no shade towards inh, but dont forget who youre talking too lol
fair enough, doesnt mean we cant try to inform him though