
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2230069 times)

im sorry i didn't get the jojo reference

communists arent usually authoritarian i dont think, unless they agree with stalin for some ungodly reason

communists arent usually authoritarian i dont think, unless they agree with stalin for some ungodly reason
Mao, Dennis Rodman's Pal, and yes Stalin, were/are authoritarian communists.

Mao, Dennis Rodman's Pal, and yes Stalin, were/are authoritarian communists.
unless they agree with stalin for some ungodly reason

considering the ushanka and hammer+sickle I'm assuming that would be a stalinist

considering the ushanka and hammer+sickle I'm assuming that would be a stalinist
fair enough, i thought the hammer and sickle were used by more than just stalinists tho

fair enough, i thought the hammer and sickle were used by more than just stalinists tho
it was adopted by many groups, but mainly by stalinist eastern bloc countries

fair enough, i thought the hammer and sickle were used by more than just stalinists tho
it was
mostly by stalin but by other rulers of the ussr too
i'm not sure about the PRC Communist party though and its usage of the H&S

Annoying Orange probably won't get impeached. he's got Pence as insurance.

I'd hedge the odds at maybe 5%. If that memo urging Comey to drop the Flynn investigation is authentic, then I'll bump my odds up to 10%.

Annoying Orange probably won't get impeached. he's got Pence as insurance.
well honestly would you rather have a bad politician or a gaping idiot for the most powerful man in the world
i'd say the former