
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2458890 times)

im no Annoying Orange supporter but on that topic i despise obama mainly because he won to romney

Why exactly do Hard-line Annoying Orange supporters despise Obama?

obamacare mostly

You must have read literally none of my posts I guess
I have no idea why I even bother, I need to go back to lurking this is depressing
i've read what you've said and it seems like there must be something fundamentally different about the way we're seeing the situation. it seems to me like you're saying "it's wrong because it's illegal," but suggestions to change the law don't seem to alter your perspective that it's wrong, despite your insistence that you agree the law is flawed. why then, should people be punished for things they were given no opportunity to do the 'right way?' why insist that people do it the 'right way' when you agree that the 'right way' is unfairly cumbersome? why insist that, after creating a better way, people who didn't use the old, bad way should still be punished? it doesn't make sense to me and i assume it must be because there's something fundamentally different about the way we're seeing this topic

Heres a question that's been bothering me.

Why exactly do Hard-line Annoying Orange supporters despise Obama?
Just a question,

he's a good person that was a horrible president, and the reason he got elected could demonstrably be linked to him being the first black president
no one ran stories on his scandals but the conservative media, and they got ridiculed for it even though they were on par with the scandals that are happening now

there's plenty more but nothing comes to mind RN

even though they were on par with the scandals that are happening now
i'm sorry but what the flying forget

If you break a law you receive punishment. What's so difficult about that for liberals? It's not hard.

brothers who ban muslim veils

Norway’s ruling coalition of conservative and anti-immigration rightwing parties had promised the ban last year, targeting the full-face veil called the niqab as well as burqas, balaclavas and masks.

“We do not want clothes covering the face in nurseries, schools and universities,” Minister of Education and Research Torbjorn Roe Isaksen said in a statement.

“These clothes prevent good communication, which is important for students to receive a good education,” he added.

Norwegian authorities will consult over the coming months with those who could be affected by the draft law.

Norwegian media reported the government can count on the support of most parties, saying the bill was expected to pass in the spring of 2018.


“We have every reason to believe this will be approved by parliament,” Education Minister Torbjoern Roe Isaksen said.

Norway, which will hold elections on 11 September, will be the first country in the Nordics to introduce a ban on burqas for both adults and children.

“Face-covering garment such as the niqab or burqa do not belong in Norwegian schools. The ability to communicate is a basic value,” acting Minister of Immigration and Integration, Per Sandberg, told a news conference.


Heres a question that's been bothering me.

Why exactly do Hard-line Annoying Orange supporters despise Obama?
Just a question,
I don't hate Obama. He seems like a cool guy, but he definitely wasn't a great president. In my opinion, the thing I hate more is the circlejerk about "DAE THINK OBAMA WAS THE BEST POTUS EVER?" like why would he even be the best? His legacy is selling a stuff ton of weapons to the cartels  (Fast and Furious), raising 99% of the country's insurance costs (mine actually tripled from $400 to $1200), and being a good orator, but not much else.

So I don't really hate Obama. I think he was a bit crooked, but he seems like a nice guy IRL, but what I really hate is the circlejerk about him being a "the best" president. Like did Theodore Roosevelt, Lincoln, Reagan, and Eisenhower just not exist or something?

If you break a law you receive punishment. What's so difficult about that for liberals? It's not hard.
(we want to change the law, fam)

(we want to change the law, fam)

A country without borders isn't a country. Entry without vetting leaves you like Europe with 1000+ dead over a religious holiday.

i'm sorry but what the flying forget

A lot of the stuff people laud on Annoying Orange for doing, Obama did as well. Have you heard of "Fast and Furious"? Or the time he leaned over to some representative of some country the president of Russia and told him that because it was his last term, he had "more flexibility" with missile systems surrounding Russia? Or "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"? Or Benghazi? Or using the IRS to target political opponents? Or the illegitimate surveillance on Annoying Orange (not wiretapping, but surveillance) that he may have facilitated?

Yet people, himself included, brag about how he had no scandals during his presidency. That's objectively false. Just because the MSM didn't talk about it because they were sucking his richard doesn't mean they didn't happen.

nuke ur sounding dangerously close to "nobody talks about it therefore its a conspiracy and its true" just be careful dude

nuke ur sounding dangerously close to "nobody talks about it therefore its a conspiracy and its true" just be careful dude

I don't think I got my point across clearly enough

do I think that every single one of those things certainly happened? no, but I'm not going to act like they certainly didn't, either
we shouldn't be holding the first black president to a standard below every other president
that's just stupid