
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2235068 times)

Click bait title check reasonable point comparing two tropical storms check
how many sluts do you have

Meanwhile in Illinois Congressional District 4
this some real stuff?
is there even any way to interpret this as anything other than gerrymandering?

Meanwhile in Illinois Congressional District 4

What exactly am I looking at?

What exactly am I looking at?
Illinois Congressional District 4

Theres no way that is real.

Theres no way that is real.
It's Real As My richarde And Also Balls, Brother

it was changed in 2013 but it's still pretty Bad

Theres no way that is real.
pretty sure there's a map out there that shows all the us districts and calculates a "gerrymander" score. some of these districts are pretty ridiculous

Isn't gerrymandering illegal?

Isn't gerrymandering illegal?
It's been ruled unconstitutional in the past, but there's no easy way to agree on how to fix it, or what counts as being illegal versus legal. You can gerrymander just as easily with square boxes and nice 'fair-looking' shapes, so the purely geometric argument isn't good enough.


I suspect there's some mathematical way to draw the boundaries fairly.

Isn't gerrymandering illegal?

well as it turns out it's actually pretty difficult to prove gerrymandering in practice, so oftentimes it happens and it's just not challenged. there's a lot of politics around gerrymandering obviously and a lot of people have very little incentive to do anything about it, and the people that do are the ones that are getting forgeted over and deprived of representation