
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2232143 times)

I love just assuming rape victims are liars

you're right I love assuming innocence before proving guilt in a court of law as well

"i was raped"
officer: "LOL right let's take it to the courtroom first you loving liar"

you're right I love assuming innocence before proving guilt in a court of law as well
right, though assuming someone is lying is different from withholding judgement. the two carry significantly different implications

"i was raped"
officer: "LOL right let's take it to the courtroom first you loving liar"

police report, investigation, charges filed, court room. she can do so anytime shes ready.

all being skipped here. you just want to believe the bullstuff.

I give people who claim they were raped the benefit of the doubt like every normal person

"i was raped"
officer: "sounds pretty serious–prove it"
Friendly reminder that it is charged in a criminal court, so it does need to be proven by a unanimous decision by jury, not by "because he/she said so."

Friendly reminder that it is charged in a criminal court, so it does need to be proven by a unanimous decision by jury, not by "because he/she said so."
Of course. That doesn't mean you assume they're lying.

why a sig lol
because that's the rifle silhouette is shown in the graphic, which is intended to "scare" people that don't know very much about guns.

It's like they wanted people to see a chainsaw bayonet and say "forget NO THAT MAKES IT MORE DANGEROUS" when in reality, you could just buy a chainsaw and fix it to the end of a stick/pipe for the same effect with much less legal red tape.

You're just making a very loud gasoline-powered spear at the end of the day. I don't see what their point was with that graphic tbh.

"i was raped"
officer: "LOL right let's take it to the courtroom first you loving liar"
Because we should believe every rape accusation without first undergoing the due process of law

Atticus victim shaming Mayella Ewell smh

Of course. That doesn't mean you assume they're lying.

doesnt matter if they are lieing until after everyone sees court, in fact that is the purpose of the court. welcome to the free world.

Of course. That doesn't mean you assume they're lying.
You don't assume that they're lying, but you don't assume immediately that what they say is truth either. The entire purpose of a trial is to determine the truth of the matter and the culpability of individuals or entities involved.

I love just assuming rape victims are liars

I love just assuming rape ACCUSERS are victims
See how you already assumed the guy's guilty? That's the loving problem with this stuff nowadays. I don't even like Roy Moore but I'm not gonna go assuming he's raped someone because some random lady decided to fess up all of a sudden.

"i was raped"
"ok lets wait for evidence and a conviction and stuff"
I love just assuming rape victims are liars

"substantive" as in "someone said he did it so he totally did it"
I mean the guy has a long and storied history of defending other loveual offenders, and the only defense he has to the accusation is that it's 'fake news'.

Hell, one of his inner circle essentially justified it because 'Mary and Joseph had a huge age-gap too'. Does that not sound like a concession of guilt to you?

I love just assuming rape ACCUSERS are victims
See how you already assumed the guy's guilty? That's the loving problem with this stuff nowadays. I don't even like Roy Moore but I'm not gonna go assuming he's raped someone because some random lady decided to fess up all of a sudden.
stuff like this is exactly the reason assuming guilt is loving disgusting. One of the 15 guys she accused spent 5 (!!!) years in jail, falsely imprisoned, and she cost investigators 6400 hours of their time and $320,600 USD processing her various falsehoods.

It's sad because this both serves to discredit actual victims as well as waste a tremendous amount of resources that could be used to help actual victims.

There's a reason that the burden of proof falls upon the prosecution. If you're going to accuse someone of rape, the consequences of that are far-reaching into every aspect of that person's life, even if the claims are unverifiable/false.

Roy Moores accuser works for Bidden and is loving campaigning for his opponent. It's fake.