
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228161 times)

if i disagree with net neutrality maybe it gives me justification for calling everyone on the forum a sad little bitch when i'm sitting here with approximately 19 posts per loving day

lol red spy posts more than me

but outside is scary

if my net neutrality gets forgeted the sunlight will Burn my Skin

if i disagree with net neutrality maybe it gives me justification for calling everyone on the forum a sad little bitch when i'm sitting here with approximately 19 posts per loving day
i have six teen posts per day. heh i am above u

Seventhsandwhich raped me, grimlock, torin, tito, and weathernerd.  We can all verify that
I think my participation on this forum is a better disqualifier from running for office than any ostensible loveual assaults of mine.

i have more posts per day than night fox get on my level

So will you guys pay extra to get access to certain websites after net neutrality is killed or will you just abstain from normally using the internet?

i'd off myself instead

despite the negative net neutrvoa

there's no legitimate way to think repealing net neutrality is a good thing unless you own an ISP company
well unfortunately we'll never know what red spy et al actually think of it unless they decide to explain
because all we've gotten so far is "forget net neutrality"

and it's important to note that it's not "forget federal level net neutrality," it's not "forget net neutrality as it's being implemented by the FCC," it's "forget net neutrality." So assuming there's a mean-what-you-say, say-what-you-mean thing going on, there's something about the core concept of net neutrality itself that they don't like. I'd like to know what that is.

if i disagree with net neutrality maybe it gives me justification for calling everyone on the forum a sad little bitch when i'm sitting here with approximately 19 posts per loving day

i don't stuff talk you whenever i get the chance

and it's important to note that it's not "forget federal level net neutrality," it's not "forget net neutrality as it's being implemented by the FCC," it's "forget net neutrality." So assuming there's a mean-what-you-say, say-what-you-mean thing going on, there's something about the core concept of net neutrality itself that they don't like. I'd like to know what that is.

We are suffering on this neverending hellscape that is the internet and we don't have the self control to get off ourselves.

Only Pajeet man can save us.