
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229916 times)

Nuclear power is green energy. It provably kills less people and pollutes the air less than all other forms of major energy generation.

When I mean green I was referring to renewable or w/e but you're right

why any county in the middle east barring israel should have nukes is beyond me

Yeah idk what kind of handicap would introduce any country w/ a majority orthodox, and I stress orthodox, Islam population the ability to commit martyrdom via mutually assured destruction
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 08:38:18 PM by Deus Ex »

palestine is not a country
it was before the west stole it and sectioned it for israel

it was before the west stole it and sectioned it for israel

jews had a claim to israel long before the christians or the muslims ever did

it was before the west stole it and sectioned it for israel

palestine was never an independent country. the ottoman empire sat on it for centuries until they lost it when the triple alliance was defeated during world war 1, and before that it was moved around between caliphates after being taken from the byzantines (who inherited it from the romans, who took the briefly independent hasmonean kingdom over, which was briefly independent because the seleucid empire that owned it imploded)

effectively the history (as far as i can tell) was miscellaneous tribes > ownership by egypt(sorta) > kingdom of israel > conquest by neo-assyrians > conquest by neo-babylonians > conquest by achaemenid empire > conquest by greece > brief independence (100 years or so) as hasmonean kingdom due to implosion of seleucids > client of rome > conquered by the islamic caliphate in AD 634 > moved back and forth between crusaders and multiple caliphates > conquered by the turks in 1516 > lost by the ottoman empire to britain after world war 1 > arbitrarily split into the "mandate of palestine" from ottoman south syria > split between jewish israel and muslim arab "palestinian territories"

as close as i can tell the only time there has ever been an independent country in that area outside of a brief stint for a century (due to a JEWISH REVOLT) was the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL FROM THE TIME OF DAVID

if you really want to you can consider the kingdom of jerusalem from the crusaders nominally independent, but it relied on european states pretty heavily

e: forgot neo-babylonians and achaemenid empire, super important i know
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 09:10:57 PM by Kearn »

Funny that for a person who care so much about facts over feelings he doesn't think that Palestine exists

P.S. Articles like that prove that Ben Shapiro has never been outside of the US.

how many countries have you visited

When are we going to give the United States back to the natives? The land is their birthright guys

I don't think most supporters of Palestine in the United States are particularly fans of Hamas. It's more of a sympathy to the fact that the people who lived in the region basically lost all of their land and sovereignty, and continue to lose it through illegal settlement expansion. Part of this is due to the British Mandate and Israeli settlements, and part of it is due to the fact that all of Israel's neighbors tried to kill them in the Six-Day War and failed miserably. But essentially none of that was up to the Palestinians.

Basically this. I'm not a big fan of Hamas, either, considering they're a militant far-right fundamentalist group. But if you're denying the existence of Palestine, all you're doing is pushing religious dogma.

how many countries have you visited



Burger King, McDonalds, and Dominoes Pizza aren't sovereign nations

Burger King, McDonalds, and Dominoes Pizza aren't sovereign nations

The future Chick-fil-A theocracy will be a UN non-member observer state

Burger King, McDonalds, and Dominoes Pizza aren't sovereign nations


@everyone a literal ant animal planet would be bigger than a literal human animal planet
so if we made a planet out of every cow killed (ala big fast food chains such as mcdonalds and burger kind) we could have a sovereign nation

@everyone a literal ant animal planet would be bigger than a literal human animal planet
so if we made a planet out of every cow killed (ala big fast food chains such as mcdonalds and burger kind) we could have a sovereign nation
my brain isn't complex enough to understand what the forget this post means

my brain isn't complex enough to understand what the forget this post means
seriously what the forget

@everyone a literal ant animal planet would be bigger than a literal human animal planet
so if we made a planet out of every cow killed (ala big fast food chains such as mcdonalds and burger kind) we could have a sovereign nation
cubelands is that you??