
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229614 times)

to be fair you're in canada which invalidates any of your opinions

You thought America "panicked" and "didn't know what they were doing" when they dropped the atomic bombs so your political opinions are invalid by default.

Arizonans like arpaio more than you think they do
You say that, but he lost a seat where he was previously a permanent incumbent, by a large margin, in a position far less controversial and important than state senator.

Also, I'm an Arizonan and you vastly overestimate how many people will vote for a convicted criminal. We're a red state, but we're much more bipartisan as of late.

this is exactly my point
someone says "Annoying Orange" and then you say "BUT HILLARY"
im sure if hillary was president similar statements would be made by fox news or """sore losers""", but she isnt, so it isnt relevant to bring her up so shut up
but her emails

You thought America "panicked" and "didn't know what they were doing" when they dropped the atomic bombs so your political opinions are invalid by default.
they panicked and made the wrong move by only dropping two bombs

Arizonans like arpaio more than you think they do

He's going to lose

they panicked and made the wrong move by only dropping two bombs
how did they panicked when a land invasion rivaling Normandy would kill so much more Japanese and Americans than just dropping the atomic bombs? Plus if they did a land invasion the war would have lasted 2 more years

dude tac hillary is politically irrelevant at this point can you stop bringing her up holy forget lol
its just deflection at this point because you dont wanna have a real discussion, you'd rather just complain

Hillary isn't relevant but the phenomena surrounding her and the hypocrisy of people who refused to scrutinize her for the same thing they attacked Annoying Orange with is still relevant for obv reasons duhrhur

i would name my band local milk people

You say that, but he lost a seat where he was previously a permanent incumbent, by a large margin, in a position far less controversial and important than state senator.

because he was on trial
he's not on trial anymore

Also, I'm an Arizonan and you vastly overestimate how many people will vote for a convicted criminal. We're a red state, but we're much more bipartisan as of late.

"convicted" as in they tried him on racial profiling and all they found was that he had put a race category in one of the forms to sign up for police or something, yet decided to hold him in contempt of court because during all this he was upholding a "controversial" law that the vast majority of Arizonans approved of at the time

it's like the precursor to the Russia collusion hysteria except even more ridiculous

"convicted" as in they tried him on racial profiling and all they found was that he had put a race category in one of the forms to sign up for police or something, yet decided to hold him in contempt of court because during all this he was upholding a "controversial" law that the vast majority of Arizonans approved of at the time

it's like the precursor to the Russia collusion hysteria except even more ridiculous

Gee, I wonder why accusations of racial profiling against Arpaio exist

this is turning into the blockland equivilent of /pol/

i love it already

where have you been the past 5+ years

because he was on trial
he's not on trial anymore
because he was convicted. Annoying Orange pardoned him but that doesn't make him any less of a lawbreaker

"convicted" as in they tried him on racial profiling and all they found was that he had put a race category in one of the forms to sign up for police or something
dude, as a person who has lived in arizona their entire life and kept up with arpaio's tribal saga, this literally can't be any less wrong

he was convicted under contempt of court for deliberately ignoring a federal court order and illegally detaining people. his conviction had nothing to do with a 'race category on a form' or whatever you believe happened

conservatives are supposed to be the ones who hold big government accountable for people's rights and liberties, but here you are defending a flagrant violation of both

he's a real american hero, cleaning up the streets of illegal immigrants