
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288485 times)

why are you guys so patently incapable of accurately representing other people's viewpoints


why are you guys so patently incapable of accurately representing other people's viewpoints

you always resort to sperging out and going for the most hyperbolic, over-the-top position rather than what the person actually said

strawman arguments are easier than rational debate

theres a difference between violating policy and being punished for it, and not being consistent about punishing violators. if anything, get on their case for not being consistent.

also i thought conservatives were the ones who supported businesses being able to decide for themselves what to allow...? unless you arent a conservative and are a libertarian or something.

also i thought conservatives were the ones who supported businesses being able to decide for themselves what to allow...?

yes but that doesn't make the decisions stuffty lol

also i thought conservatives were the ones who supported businesses being able to decide for themselves what to allow...? unless you arent a conservative and are a libertarian or something.

The official, non-hypocritical standpoint (as I understand it), requires that you first understand the difference between a public company and a private company.

Public companies are more or less owned by their stockholders, in some cases these can be the people in charge of said company (see Steve Jobs); however as public companies they are beholden to far more restrictions on what rights they can and cannot restrict and what standards they have to adhere to for their staff and consumers.

Private companies are owned by individuals, usually just one fellow (the boss). These companies are not beholden to the public will, and can therefore do a lot more of whatever they want as far as consumer and employee restrictions go; they still have to adhere to some basic decency laws, but are more free to self determine.

The big tech giants are all public companies. The argument is that given that these companies are publically traded, and that they provide what could be described as a "public forum"... This means that freedom of speech cannot be infringed or censored in such an environment. And it means that they should not be removing opposing viewpoints or trying to police opinions.

Meanwhile private companies should have all the freedoms to self determine what they will and will not tolerate within their confines. The idea being that general market forces will keep them in line.


I imagine there's also probably something related to monopolistic power somewhere in there as well; but I wouldn't know.

There's an interesting post by Badspot somewhere talking about his take on the issue that might be interesting food for thought if you wanted some other ways to look at things.

I'd imagine this is the wrong kind of argument to be having considering the guy who got banned said stuff like this neigh constantly.

Pick your battles lmao

censor people who say mean words

t. puritans

man i sure hate corporations for making money in the free market. good thing they use their clout to censor people
I can disapprove of my environment and take advantage of it at the same time. it's better than simultaneously claiming to hate it and love it

censor people who say mean words

t. puritans

I'm sure you'll get it eventually

ill keep breaking every rule in existence because im not a brainwashed sjw like you
how many times have you been kicked out of a restaurant... 0? hah pusillanimous individual i get kicked out every day cuz im a free individual who can do whatever i want and say what i want! every privately owned business is my playground and im not afraid to show it
you always resort to sperging out and going for the most hyperbolic, over-the-top position rather than what the person actually said

Glad to see I haven't missed anything.

Annoying Orange is starting a massive trade war with China and it's not going to be good.

China is by far the world's biggest exporter of rare earth metals - stuff we need for tech like smartphones, tablets, etc.
The Chinese bought out our major industrial producers of said metals, who were in central US, decades ago -- then they shut them down and moved operations to their homeland.

The end result of these tariffs will be a cost burden on the consumer.
Trade will decrease, price of goods will increase, and the two governments will reap massive profits from exorbitant tariffs.
Basically you're getting forgeted and the government is lining their pockets while the idiots cheer on to fine them more with tariffs like a big richard swinging contest.