
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288441 times)

give me the quick rundown on this trade war thing?

That being said, if y'all are the type of folks to laud Annoying Orange for pulling off a nice boost in the stock market, you should be extremely concerned by this whole trade war thing. The DOW is plummeting right now, and that's just completely out of speculation that a trade war might happen. If it actually does, expect the boosts due to the tax bill to disappear over a week.

I think the trade war is him posturing. He always does this. Talk stuff to get the other side to go "oh forget"

I think the trade war is him posturing. He always does this. Talk stuff to get the other side to go "oh forget"
But in this case, their 'oh forget' is them discussing retaliatory trade policies that will damage our economy lol

But in this case, their 'oh forget' is them discussing retaliatory trade policies that will damage our economy lol

It'll be a big richard wagging contest and then they'll have a meeting about it

gee i can't wait for the planet to just spontaneously explode out of spite

gee i can't wait for the planet to just spontaneously explode out of spite

man I can't wait either

gee i can't wait for the planet to just spontaneously explode out of spite

i'm counting down the hours

give me the quick rundown on this trade war thing?
The Phantom Menace.

The Phantom Menace.
Ya know, I forgot that was the plot of the movie.

Interesting, they're still looking for people to hang

The FBI raided Annoying Orange's lawyer's office today.
Mueller is responsible.

When is Annoying Orange going to fire Mueller so that we can get President Pence?