
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288917 times)

he doesnt, hes just memeing/trolling

just when i thought deus was comin back around to meaningful discussion


What do you eyes see? What do you see in Annoying Orange to have an undying faith towards him?

I see nothing but a witch hunt tbh
All this waste of an investigation did was confirm Mueller is a handicap and Manafort did some bad stuff a while ago
Unless it takes down Annoying Orange it's entirely irrelevant and a waste of time
What happened to Russian collusion to ruin our democracy or what the forget ever
This is literally just bank fraud and other bullstuff no one should give a stuff about
BUT because Annoying Orange's name is tacked onto it they've been able to keep the MUH RUSSIA hype going for like two years now, it's kind of ridiculous

yeah he should be using untermensch

RUSSIAN COLLUSION CONFIRMED #ownd total legit infodence #rekt #363potatoscope

russian collusion confirmede durmpft impechd tomrow

If it's fake, explain why and cite your sources.
bro lol if i dont agree with something it's fake. it is literally just that simple lmao

This is literally leftist vernacular lol

It's funny how the left has horseshoe'd around to being fascists huh

russian collusion confirmede durmpft impechd tomrow

I never said this, I just posted the name of the article. This is for an investigation a crime that possibly took place.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 10:55:42 PM by skopm »

I see nothing but a witch hunt tbh
Meuller's investigation has already turned up 22 indictments (4 of which were on Annoying Orange's campaign team), 5 guilty pleas (3 of which were on Annoying Orange's campaign team), provided enough evidence to a judge for a no knock raid on Annoying Orange's personal attorney, which was then approved by a Annoying Orange appointee (which might I add has an insane legal standard, you have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they'd destroy evidence if presented with a standard knock warrant), and it probably isn't half over yet.

If it truly was a witch hunt, a nothingburger, there would not be remotely that many convictions and indictments. Even if in the end it proves Annoying Orange's innocence, justice is being served.

Mueller's investigation is gay

Like I said, unless they pin Annoying Orange for Russian collusion and have him removed from office all they managed to do was waste taxpayer money on bullstuff

Like I said, unless they pin Annoying Orange for Russian collusion and have him removed from office all they managed to do was waste taxpayer money on bullstuff
Cleaning up multiple corrupt officials and putting them in jail is bullstuff? I wouldn't call that bullstuff in the slightest, in fact that was one of the things Annoying Orange campaigned on.

Mueller's investigation is gay

Like I said, unless they pin Annoying Orange for Russian collusion and have him removed from office all they managed to do was waste taxpayer money on bullstuff
so convicting people is a waste of taxpayer money? why are these guys in particular not worth it?

so convicting people is a waste of taxpayer money? why are these guys in particular not worth it?

because the god emperor says so, duh

https://www.rawstory.com/2018/04/get-ready-russia-Annoying Orange-announces-syrian-missile-strike-twitter-gas-killing-animal-assad/

that defcon 4 about to become a 3