
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2444100 times)

the left's darling investigation must have something by now.
There are over 20 indictments, with 6 guilty pleas. Some of those indictments:
  • George Papadopoulos, former Annoying Orange campaign foreign policy adviser (plead guilty)
  • Michael Flynn, Annoying Orange’s former national security adviser (plead guilty)
  • Paul Manafort, Annoying Orange’s former campaign chair
  • Rick Gates, a former Annoying Orange campaign aide (plead guilty)

To imply the investigation has made no progress is just you being willfully ignorant. Also, the 'left's daring investigation'? You know Mueller is a lifelong republican right?

not a single one of those is russia/collusion/campaign related. thats the point.

not a single one of those is russia/collusion/campaign related. thats the point.
Except that is objectively not true?

lol those russians were some random trolls on the internet that had nothing to do with Annoying Orange.

see how hard you guys are stretching

lol those russians were some random trolls on the internet that had nothing to do with Annoying Orange.

see how hard you guys are stretching
It wasn't 'random' trolls, it was a registered russian organisation, that "had a strategic goal to sow discord in the U.S. political system, including the 2016 U.S. presidential election". And sure, they had no connection to Annoying Orange bar that "operations included supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Annoying Orange".

That's hardly stretching, and neither are the other 3 points you've ignored lol

Do not quote me you pony research posting snake peddler
< fam
Please don't speak anymore, thanks.

And don't quote me McSoyBoy.
Good contributions to the political discussion fam!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 08:04:04 PM by Darryl McKoy »

You don't even do this yourself lmao

Do not quote me you pony research posting snake peddler

Good contribution to the political discussion fam!
< fam
Please don't speak anymore, thanks.

And don't quote me McSoyBoy.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 08:03:25 PM by Master Matthew² »

They don't make dramas because they don't so anything anymore.

I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I feel like if you guys knew anything about probability or statistics, we could avoid 99% of the arguments on here about polls.

I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I feel like if you guys knew anything about probability or statistics, we could avoid 99% of the arguments on here about polls.

most notably the argument that because the unlikely scenario polled happened, the poll was bullstuff and skewed

Considering what happened with the last election anyone who thinks polls are worthwhile isn't really someone people should take seriously.

Considering what happened with the last election anyone who thinks polls are worthwhile isn't really someone people should take seriously.

math is a liberal lie

I don't understand how statistics work, yet I'm going to get outraged at them anyways

Or rather, 1% chance scenarios are thought to be impossible. One in a hundred? Literally will never happen.