can you give me a tldr of what it's about at least
There is an executive summary yo, it's only fourteen pages long.
1. Comey was forgeted from the start because there was absolutely no precedent to a case like Clinton's and he was flying blind. He made mistakes or misjudgments apparently but from the tone of the report, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal and that whoever made this report considers the investigation to still be as good of a job as it could have been.
2. The FBI was pissed off at Obama for making uninformed statements on 60 minutes that could have potentially cast doubt on the investigation into Hillary's email and a few agents from the FBI made comments about what they thought and why they were concerned about the potential for public opinion to interfere with the investigation.
3. Hillary's emails and email server was entirely unprofessional and the whole situation was fishy, and that while it could be likely that confidential information had been acquired by what the report disclosed as "Hostile actors", the report found that find sufficient evidence that the email system wasn't compromised, and that it was possible it was but there isn't really an easy way to tell.
4. The report details that the FBI's intention was to finish the investigation before the elections so they wouldn't interfere with the elections and looked into whether or not this meant the investigation had been rushed or if any details were glossed over to finish the investigation in time, and it ultimately concluded that if this was the case, it didn't impact the investigation from what they could tell. The must iffy thing was the FBI's decision to "Cull" Hillary's personal and work-related emails to make the load more workable, but it's hard to tell if this means anything important was glossed over because there were just so many documents to work through.
5. Three individuals were granted letter-use immunity for their testimony. This means if any of the individuals disclosed illegal information they knew, it could be used against them. From what I read this was preemptive to help the investigation, but this was touched on farther and I didn't have time to read beyond that.
In short, this report seems to be saying that Comey's "Midyear" investigation was about as good of an investigation as it could have been given their limited timeframe and that there could have been steps during the investigation where they could have done something better, or had made potential mistakes, but the tone of the report straight up positive towards the FBI's involvement.
I guarantee you everyone talking about all the illegal things this shines light on didn't read even an eight of the way into this and are only relying on what other people who are also full of stuff said about this.
edit: The most damning thing about this whole report is the parts on Comey being cited as insubordinate, but there was no bias found in the report and the report does not challenge the FBI's decision to not indict Clinton.