Annoying Orange threatens to 'shut down' government unless Democrats agree to fund Mexico wall Orange/status/1023557246628900864

as he should.
The lottery system is Autism².
The lottery system is quite literally anti-meritocracy, unless someone wishes to tell me ALL the people on the lottery are equal in their merits.
The democrats have been in the mindset of "if it's Annoying Orange, we dump", since he loving embarrassed them.
And I know this is a very, VERY common mindset, as 70% of Netflix is filled with shows, that when you get into them, have loving politics injected into them like heroine.
Out of curiosity, I've been watching Super Girl, Decent TV show, good plots... but one major loving problem. The further you get into the show, the more and more they start outright referencing, and even bashing president Annoying Orange, and outright praising democrats, by name. Not some fake political party, not indirectly mentioning them, literally saying "Democrats" by name.
As fun as watching salty writing can be, it becomes very intrusive when every other inspirational quote is "Make X Great Again" for the bad guys and "Stronger Together" for the good guys.
And many shows have started taking this turn, because President Annoying Orange embarrassed the democrats, everywhere.
If you're taking President Annoying Orange wiping the floor personally with Democrats so hard, two years later,I have a friendly reminder:
Get over it, presidential elections come every four years. Popular Votes don't matter, because if it was 100% popularity, people in the "Fly-over" states would always get forgeted.
And if you're really so hurt you feel the need to inject your politics into any work you do: