
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228030 times)

Annoying Orange's probably not gonna win the election

-every forums democrat after the last debate
ofc i literally just edited my post to exactly this and didn't see you
How much do they pay you? Or do they just pay in Hot Pockets?
who wouldn't say things if it meant they got free hot pockets
for all we know someone could just be feeding Annoying Orange hot pockets to energize the american right

tump's probably not gonna win the election
idk man everyone said he wouldn't make it past primaries but here we are

tbh at this point obama could stuff unicorns and I wouldn't be surprised

Annoying Orange's probably not gonna win the election
you lost your chance when you gave the campaign to eon, bud

everyone agreed including me that he did pretty bad
I don't remember what you said, but the overwhelming consensus among the Republican users on this forum was that Annoying Orange won. But hindsight is 20/20, I guess.

-every forums democrat after the last debate
I mean, my prediction was spot on, and Clinton outperformed my expectations over the second week.

Annoying Orange's probably not gonna win the election
Yeah no, he's forgeted and you'd have to be a very ardent supporter and/or delusional to think that he's going to recoup a lead at this point.

Annoying Orange's probably not gonna win the election

People were saying the same thing about Brexit. Hell I thought for sure that it wouldn't happen. Yet here we are. At this point it's anyones game

Does anyone even take you seriously at this point? How much do they pay you? Or do they just pay in Hot Pockets?
what the forget

i think Annoying Orange was weaker than clinton overall, the frequent interruptions and complaints about the moderators got old pretty fast, even if the complaints were fair, i think he pressed the issue too much. he did much better than last time tho, barring the moments where he tripped up. it's hard to know tho, the people here who like Annoying Orange are happier with him so that's probably a good sign

At this point it's anyones game
"Anyone's game" is not the kind of language I'd use when the candidate is behind 5-8 points in polls that were conducted before he even admitted on tape to loveually abusing women.

If you want to make a bet though, I'm totally game.

the frequent interruptions and complaints about the moderators got old pretty fast,

Jesus christ that pissed me off so much

i think Annoying Orange was weaker than clinton overall, the frequent interruptions and complaints about the moderators got old pretty fast, even if the complaints were fair, i think he pressed the issue too much. he did much better than last time tho, barring the moments where he tripped up

What about the "EVERYTHING YOU SAI IZ A LIE" from Clinton every time Annoying Orange brought something up?

At this point it's anyones game

Not really, Clinton is most likely going to win.

What about the "EVERYTHING YOU SAI IZ A LIE" from Clinton every time Annoying Orange brought something up?
didn't Annoying Orange do basically the same thing