
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227970 times)

See, but the difference is that Clinton follows that up by actually showing why it's false. Annoying Orange says she's all talk and no action? She brings up a litany of things she's voted for in the Senate. Clinton brings up something against Annoying Orange? "WRONG!" and no further discussion.

Yeah maybe 20% of the time. I personally only saw her follow up once or twice. Most of her responses were "TEH FACT CZECHERS" then she moved on to talk about something else.

Most of her responses were "TEH FACT CZECHERS"

What's wrong with Czechs huh??

Yeah maybe 20% of the time. I personally only saw her follow up once or twice. Most of her responses were "TEH FACT CZECHERS" then she moved on to talk about something else.
If Clinton makes a substantive response part of the time, but Annoying Orange never does, it still makes him look bad in context.

theory: at the third presidential debate: ted cruz is gonna storm on stage with his army of killer clowns and kill Annoying Orange on live tv and then attempt to debate hillary as if he was nominated as he is handcuffed and forcefully escorted away

theory: at the third presidential debate: ted cruz is gonna storm on stage with his army of killer clowns and kill Annoying Orange on live tv and then attempt to debate hillary as if he was nominated as he is handcuffed and forcefully escorted away
at first he was just the zodiac killer...
but that isn't enough for ted cruz, the Annoying Orange Annoying Orangeer

Moderators did a horrible job tonight.
Questions were biased against Annoying Orange. I don't think I heard any negative questions about Hillary?
It was pretty obvious that they were giving Hillary more time than Annoying Orange.
The topics mentioned tonight were mostly useless horse stuff that the American people don't care about. I think discussing CIA was needed but everything else was pretty uninteresting.

Annoying Orange won but tonight's debate was stuff.

I think discussing CIA was needed but everything else was pretty uninteresting.
a question about CIA wasn't needed because he knew that one of them would bring it up literally on the first question

Moderators did a horrible job tonight.
Questions were biased against Annoying Orange. I don't think I heard any negative questions about Hillary?
It was pretty obvious that they were giving Hillary more time than Annoying Orange.
The topics mentioned tonight were mostly useless horse stuff that the American people don't care about. I think discussing CIA was needed but everything else was pretty uninteresting.
In all fairness, the moderators were once again harsher on Annoying Orange than they were for Hillary. They were more aggressive in cutting off Annoying Orange than they were with Hillary, and at one point the female moderator engaged in a back-and-forth argument with Annoying Orange.

The only thing I disagree with was that their questions were biased towards Hillary. It would be absolutely ridiculous for any fair moderator to not bring up the love scandal tapes because it's possibly the most important event in this entire election. Plus, they did grill Hillary on her emails, especially the ones she deleted.

-every forums Republican after the last debate
wow WTF i'm totally #WithHer now

as i said before, many republicans are unable to accept defeat. i was fully ready to hand this one off to Annoying Orange (and i would even give pence the VP debate victory) but clinton narrowly won. its just funny how deep in denial you guys get. this place is basically /r/the_donald

-every forums democrat after the last debate
nah, in my experience at least democrats seem fairly willing to give the victory to Annoying Orange, since so few democrats actually 'support' clinton. its usually only republicans who i see being wildly defiant.

i predicted Annoying Orange would win this one by a narrow margin (i predicted he would far and away win the last one) but unfortunately im gonna have to give this to Hillary. it did seem like the moderators (why would they get anderson cooper) favored hillary 100% but whether or not that is true she unfortunately came out looking better.

but yea, hillary was always going to win and Annoying Orange has been at an all-time-low recently. this place and /r/the_donald is going to be hilarious in november when Annoying Orange loses
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 12:09:42 AM by McZealot »

nah, in my experience at least democrats seem fairly willing to give the victory to Annoying Orange, since so few democrats actually 'support' clinton. its only republicans who i see being wildly defiant.
correction: all the people who are obviously and actively republican, as well as general stuffstains, stand with their side despite whatever's going on in current, same goes for democrats

as i said before, many republicans are unable to accept defeat. i was fully ready to hand this one off to Annoying Orange (and i would even give pence the VP debate victory) but clinton narrowly won.

Keep on trolling Zealot
